World Leprosy Week on January, 2025: what movie of religious significance is a must during holy week?
World Leprosy Week 2025.
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Ben Hur is very nice. So was The Robe, that someone else answered on this page.
Especially, on Ben Hur, the part when the hero's mom and sister got cured of leprosy when the Christ passed and his shadow touched them. I can start a thesis on the scientific method this could come about, but I have to double check on my calculations first.
But there is talk of a very depressing movie, stars Nicholas Cage, with "Knowing" as its title. About an end of the world thing, where everyone dies because of a solar burst. I've seen it, pirated, of course, and the scene before the last was quite touching, with him returning to his parents house and awaiting the end with his loved ones.
What organizations/groups will be testifying at the Sotomayor hearings this week?
Not all that want to. Most of them are favorable to her or they are not allowed to speak about her with few exceptions.
Even though the Supreme Court sided with The Nationalist Movement in at least one case, The Nationalist Movement is not allowed to address her with relevant questions on her hatred toward white folk.
With Sotomayor, the war on White folk has begun on a large scale with poverty & tyranny as a result. First were Obama’s comments about, “his animosity towards his mother’s white race,” then his association with Louis Farrakhan who calls white folk “devils,” then his longtime anti-white pastor Jeremiah Write and now his racist anti-white Supreme Court nominee. Do we see a pattern here?
The nation created and founded by White settlers became such a success that all others flooded her, diluted her and now mere shadows of her former beauty remain hidden away in pockets of faded glory.
Leftists often believe America’s greatest asset was her wealth and continue to loot it with the same socialist and communist doctrine we fled from to create America in the first place. The fact is America is great because of the liberty-based society created by those rich, White, men we call our Founding Fathers.
American Indians’ animosity toward White folk started upon our first boat landing; when that the entire first colony was massacred by the Indians who had not yet invented the wheel. Subsequent history proves that American Indians are not native either, as DNA testing proves conclusively that they descent from the Island of Formosa (Taiwan). Countless archaeological sites of former American Indian sites now prove cannibalism was indeed widespread throughout the Americas. The oldest known bones ever found in North America, were that of Kennewick Man, found along the banks of the Columbia River, the skull was that of a Caucasian, not the Mongoloid skull of Indian descendants from Taiwan.
Black animosity toward White folk is evident in the disproportional, Black-on-White, violent crime rate. White animosity toward Blacks started in Africa upon recognition of their brutal violence, cannibalism and willingness to barter their family members and fellow tribesmen. When Whites ran the farms of Zimbabwe, that country was a food exporter. When the Black activist, Mugabe butchered and/or deported the 7000+ White farmers upon coming to power, the population began to starve and now begs for food aid. –From guess who? (Whites)
Blacks in America are the wealthiest Africans in the history of the world, yet even as a Black man sits in the White House, atop the RNC & NASA, Blacks still complain about racism and demand “special privilege.” -Once the “civil rights” game was played-out, the pendulum kept on swinging. Now in Mississippi’s Black dominated areas, the White vote has been found to be systematically suppressed by the Black majority. It seems equality was the farthest thing from their mind…
Hispanic animosity toward White folk is evident with the large La Raza (The Race) membership and their willingness to march waiving the Mexican flag in the United States. The abhorrent violence in Mexico and the complete willingness of the population there to not only accept it, but to embrace it and to flaunt it offends the sensibilities of Americans and makes White folks in America question how they plan on creating a peaceful society here? -After all, the areas in the US with high Hispanic/Latino populations are infested with gang activity and diseases long cured in America like leprosy.
Upon creating the most prosperous, peaceful, philanthropic and liberty-spreading society the world has ever known, White folks in the US could have sided with Germany in WWII. –Yet America decided to INCLUDE foreigners into our society and within twenty years of the conclusion of the war we did just that by passing the “civil rights” & “voting rights” bills in the US. –But equality was not the goal of minorities as is currently being found out, domination and oppression of White folks is the goal.
The backlash against minority oppression and special privilege is starting to really resonate with the majority. As average Americans witness Obama and the communist (Democrats) loot the national treasury and create social programs for minorities at the expense of the majority who now realize they are little more than “rich white land-owners” to the minority who hope to tax their children of their national inheritance.
If you are tired of political-correctness do something about it, join The Nationalist Movement. Last century ushered in the so-called “Civil Rights” era, but in the end we found out that diversity creates adversity. –And as this century, this millennium begins the era of “majority rights.” Long live majority-rule!
The Nationalist Movement is waiting for you! The Nationalist Movement is a growing, non-profit, majority-rights organization. We believe in restoring order, by over
What are all of the fasting holidays practiced around the world?
Bahá'í faith
In the Bahá'í Faith, fasting is observed from sunrise to sunset during the Bahá'í month of `Ala' (between March 2 through March 20). Bahá'u'lláh established the guidelines in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. It is the complete abstaining from both food and drink (including abstaining from smoking). Observing the fast is an individual obligation, and is binding on all Bahá'ís who have reached the age of maturity, which is fifteen years of age. You found a secret!
Along with obligatory prayer, it is one of the greatest obligations of a Bahá'í. The Guardian of the Bahá'í Faith, Shoghi Effendi, explains: "It is essentially a period of meditation and prayer, of spiritual recuperation, during which the believer must strive to make the necessary readjustments in his inner life, and to refresh and reinvigorate the spiritual forces latent in his soul. Its significance and purpose are, therefore, fundamentally spiritual in character. Fasting is symbolic, and a reminder of abstinence from selfish and carnal desires."
Buddhist monks and nuns following the Vinaya rules commonly do not eat each day after the noon meal, though many orders today do not enforce this. This is not considered a fast, but rather a disciplined regime aiding in meditation. Fasting is generally considered by Buddhists as a form of asceticism and as such is rejected as a deviation from the Middle way. However, the Vajrayana practice of Nyung Ne is based on the tantric practice of Chenrezig. It is said that Chenrezig appeared to Gelongma Palmo, an Indian nun who had contracted leprosy and was on the verge of death. Chenrezig taught her the method of Nyung Ne in which one keeps the eight precepts on the first day, then refrains from both food and water on the second. Although seemingly against the Middle Way, this practice is to experience the negative karma of both oneself and all other sentient beings and, as such, is seen to be of benefit. Other self-inflicted harm is discouraged.
The "acceptable fast" is discussed in the biblical Book of Isaiah, chapter 58:3-7, and is discussed metaphorically. In essence, it means to abstain from satisfying hunger or thirst, and any other lustful needs we may yearn for. The blessings gained from this are claimed to be substantial. Christian denominations that practice this acceptable fast often attest to the spiritual principles surrounding fasting and seek to become a testament to those principles. They often cite Jesus, who discussed a particular type of demon as being exorcisable "only by fasting and prayer". The opening chapter of the Book of Daniel, vv. 8-16, describes a partial fast and its effects on the health of its observers. Fasting is a practice in several Christian denominations or other churches. Other Christian denominations do not practice it, seeing it as a merely external observance, but many individual believers choose to observe fasts at various times at their own behest, and the Lenten fast observed in Anglicanism is a forty day partial fast to commemorate the fast observed by Christ during his temptation in the desert.
Fasting is a very integral part of the Hindu religion. Individuals observe different kinds of fasts based on personal beliefs and local customs. Some are listed below-
Some Hindus fast on certain days of the month such as Ekadasi (the eleventh day of each lunar fortnight) or Purnima (full moon).
Certain days of the week are also set aside for fasting depending on personal belief and favorite deity.
Thursday fast is very common in Hindu Religion of north India. On Thursday devotees listen to a story before breaking their fast. On the Thursday fast devotees also worship Vrihaspati Mahadeva or Jupiter. They wear yellow clothes and shower yellow flowers. Meals with yellow colour are preferred. Women worship the banana tree and water it. Food items are made with yellow-coloured cows ghee.
Fasting during religious festivals is also very common. Common examples are Shivaratri or the 9 days of Navratri (which occurs twice a year in the months of April and October/November during Dussera just before Diwali, as per the Hindu Calendar). Karwa Chauth is perhaps a form of fasting unique to the northern part of India where married women undertake a fast for the well-being, prosperity, and longevity of their husbands. The Fast is broken after the wife views the moon through a sieve after sunset.
Methods of fasting also vary widely and cover a broad spectrum. If followed strictly, the person fasting does not partake any food or water from the previous day's sunset until 48 minutes after the following day's sunrise. Fasting can also mean limiting oneself to one meal during the day and/or abstaining from eating certain food types and/or eating only certain food-types. In any case, even if the fasting Hindu is non-vegetarian, he/she is not supposed to eat or even touch any animal products (i.e. meat, eggs)on a day of fasting. And fasting is also mean one whole day (for those people can take) from morning until night of until the next day too, with no food and water, or can breakfast in the evening with water, milk and fruits too.
In Islam, fasting for a month is an obligatory practice during the holy month of Ramadan, from fajr (dawn), until maghrib (sunset). Muslims are prohibited from eating, drinking, smoking, and engaging in sexual intercourse while fasting. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the Pillars of Islam, and thus one of the most important acts of Islamic worship. By fasting, whether during Ramadan or other times, a Muslim draws closer to their Lord by abandoning the things they enjoy, such as food and drink. This makes the sincerity of their faith and their devotion to God (Arabic:Allah) all the more evident.
God says in the Qur'an that fasting was prescribed for those before them (i.e., the Jews and Christians) and that by fasting a Muslim gains 'taqwa', which can be described as the care taken by a person to do everything God has commanded and to keep away from everything that He has forbidden. Fasting helps prevent many sins and is a shield with which the Muslim protects him/herself from jahannam (hell).
Muslims believe that fasting is more than abstaining from food and drink. It also includes abstaining from any falsehood in speech and action, from any ignorant and indecent speech, and from arguing and fighting, and lustful thoughts. Therefore, fasting helps develop good behavior.
Fasting also inculcates a sense of fraternity and solidarity, as Muslims feel and experience what their needy and hungry brothers and sisters feel. However, even the poor, needy, and hungry participate in the fast. Moreover, Ramadan is a month of giving charity and sharing meals to break the fast together.
While fasting in the month of Ramadan is considered wajib (obligatory), Islam also prescribed certain days for non-obligatory, voluntary fasting, such as:
each Monday and Thursday of a week
the 13th, 14th, and 15th day of each lunar month
six days in the month of Shawwal (the month following Ramadan)
the Day of Arafat (9th of Dhu al-Hijjah in the Islamic (Hijri) calendar)
the Day of Ashuraa (10th of Muharram in the Islamic (Hijri) calendar), with one more day of fasting before or after it
There are many types of fasting in Jainism. One is called Chauvihar Upwas, in which no food or water may be consumed until sunrise the next day. Another is called Tivihar Upwas, in which no food may be consumed, but boiled water is allowed. Fasting is usually done during Paryushana but can be done during other times. If one fasts for the eight days of Paryushana, it is called Atthai. Also, it is common for Jains not to fast but only to limit their intake of food. When a person only eats lentils and tasteless food with salt and pepper as the only spices, the person is said to do Ayambil. This is supposed to decrease desire and passion. Self-starvation by fasting is known as Sallekhana and is supposed to help shed karma according to Jain philosophy. Another form of fasting is Santhara , the Jain religious ritual of voluntary death by fasting. Supporters of the practice believe that Santhara cannot be considered suicide, but rather something one does with full knowledge and intent, while suicide is viewed as emotional and hasty. Due to the prolonged nature of Santhara, the individual is given ample time to reflect on his or her life. The vow of Santhara is taken when one feels that one's life has served its purpose. The goal of Santhara is to purify the body and, with this, the individual strives to abandon desire.
Fasting for Jews means completely abstaining from food and drink, including water. Taking medication, or even brushing teeth is forbidden on the major fast days of Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av (See below), but permitted on minor fast days. Observant Jews fast on six days of the year. With the exception of Yom Kippur, fasting is never permitted on Shabbat, for the commandment of keeping Shabbat is biblically ordained and overrides the later rabbinically-instituted fast days. Yom Kippur is the only fast day which is explicitly stated in the Torah.
Yom Kippur is considered to be the most important day of the Jewish year and fasting as a means of repentance is mandatory for every Jewish man and boy above the age of bar mitzvah and every Jewish woman and girl above the age of bat mitzvah. It is so vital to fast on this day, that only the very sick and women who have just given birth may be given a dispension from a rabbi. Fasting on Yom Kippur is considered more important than the prayers of this holy day. If one fasts, even if one is at home in bed, one is considered as having participated in the full religious service. In addition to fasting and prayer, Yom Kippur--as the "Sabbath of the Sabbaths" has the same restrictions regarding "work" as the Sabbath. Carrying outside of the home, using electricity, cooking, riding in a car, using the telephone, writing, etc. are all forbidden. No leather shoes are worn on this day. Men wear a white gown over their clothes, symbolic of a burial shroud on this Day of Judgement. Women often wear a large white scarf over their heads and do not put on make-up or Jewelry. The aura of the day is serious, humble, sacred and repentant yet happy in the knowledge that sincere repentance brings redemption.
The second major day of fasting is Tisha B'Av, the day nearly 2000 years ago on which the Romans destroyed the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and the Jews were banished from their homeland. Tisha B'Av ends a period of nine days in which Jews do not participate in happy events, wash clothes, eat meat except on the Sabbath, cut hair or swim. In general, these nine days and to some extent the entire three weeks before Tisha B'Av are considered a time of danger for Jews. Historically, this timeframe has been ripe with persecutions and other tragic events. Unlike the fast of Yom Kippur, there are no restrictions on activities, although one should try to avoid doing regular work the first part of the day, sit in a low chair or on the floor, and wear no leather shoes. This is also the day when Orthodox Jews remember the many tragedies which have befallen the Jewish people, including the Holocaust. The atmosphere of this holiday is serious and deeply sad.
Both of these holy days are considered major fasts and are observed from sunset to sunset the following day by both men and women. The remaining four fasts are considered minor and fasting is only observed from sunrise to sunset. Men must observe them, and women should observe them, but a rabbi may often give dispensions if the fast represents too much of a hardship to a sick or weak person.
The minor fast days are:
The Fast of Gedaliah
The Fast of the 10th of Tevet
The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz,
The Fast of Esther, which takes place immediately before Purim
Additional fast days such as the Fast of the Firstborn, which only applies to first-born sons; family-instituted fasts in remembrance of a miraculous delivery from tragedy, which only apply to certain families or to certain regions; communal fasts in the face of impending calamity in order to arouse benevolence from the Heavens; or personal fasts as a means of repentance are not undertaken by the entire Jewish community.
On the two major fast days it is also forbidden to engage in any sexual relations, wash or bathe, apply cosmetics or creams, and even wear leather shoes, which are considered a symbol of extravagance. Partial or total exemptions apply in many cases for those who are ill, those for whom fasting would pose a medical risk, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. Those who would be endangered from fasting are forbidden to do so, as endangering one's life is against a core principle of Judaism.
Aside from these official days of fasting, Jews may take upon themselves personal or communal fasts, often to seek repentance in the face of tragedy or some impending calamity. For example, a fast is observed if the scrolls of the Torah are dropped. The length of the fast varies, and some Jews will reduce the length of the fast through tzedakah, or charitable acts.