V E Day 2024 is on Wednesday, May 8, 2024: what should i do about v-day?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 is V E Day 2024.

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what should i do about v-day?

on "v-day" or the Friday before v-day .

i suggest the latter because if you ask on vday and they refuse the rest of your v-day will suck balls.

also the next day will suck balls but than again if you ask on Saturday or Friday those days will suck balls to and you won't be able to have any fun than so....

What are some cute V-day messages?

What are some cute V-day messages?

happy v-day,

are you feeling the love this valentines day,

v-day is free-day,

the day when everyone is loved.

hi what is v/day and its history?

hi what is v/day and its history?

V-E day actually refers to the Victory in Europe day and the end of the Second World War. Here you have more details and short history

V Day also makes reference to a nowadays Vagina Monologues written by Eve Ensler and to a gender movement the book started

Also on this date Wednesday, May 8, 2024...