Red Crescent Day 2024 is on Wednesday, May 8, 2024: How many countries have a Red Cross?

Wednesday, May 8, 2024 is Red Crescent Day 2024. Sylvan Lake Library: May 8 - World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day Cross and Red Crescent Day

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How many countries have a Red Cross?

Look on .

I am not sure why you don't want to count the Red Crescent societies--they are full partners in the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

If you are under the mistaken impression that the Red Cross has anything to do with religion, you are wrong. The Red Cross and Red Crescent are religiously neutral, and absolutely forbid their members to engage in any proselytization.

Small unknown Red dot on groin?

Small unknown Red dot on groin?

I got the same thing from a girl I slept with on a one night stand. It started off small for the first 4 days and then spread out in a crescent shape around my shaft. Burns like hell and the doctor said its herpes. There is no cure and I have to ride it out. I hope you just have an ingrown hair.

National Day Singapore?

National Day Singapore?

i celebrated with my special needs students - by making our very own flags using drawing paper each. They colour half of the drawing paper red, then pasted stars and crescent (I printed out the stars and crescent - then cut for them)

then, we sing Happy Birthday Singapore - in English, Malay, Mandarin, Bahasa Indonesia and Tagalog (we have Indonesian and Filipino maid in the classroom). Unfortunately, none of us can sing Happy Birthday song in Tamil.

Then each of us try to blow a candle each (there are 4 big and 4 small candles - as Singapore is 44 years old)

Then we eat the cake, plus other goodies while having National Day songs (esp the old songs that are upbeat - like Stand Up for Spore) as the background music

Also on this date Wednesday, May 8, 2024...