Squirrel Appreciation Day 2025 is on Tuesday, January 21, 2025: Is there acually a nationals squirrel day?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025 is Squirrel Appreciation Day 2025. The OF Blog: Today is Squirrel Appreciation Day Yes, that most important day

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Squirrel Appreciation Day

Red-colored, gray or perhaps black, what’s your favourite colour of squirrel? Squirrel Appreciation Day reminds us to savor these nut-burying, scampering creatures professionally with consideration. Why don't you go to your local park and place some squirrels?

Is there acually a nationals squirrel day?

Yes, and it is January 21st.

January 21st is National Squirrel Appreciation Day. This observance was created by Christy Hargrove, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator in the state of North Carolina who is affiliated with the Western North Carolina Nature Center. Her website is: .

How would you celebrate National Nothing Day?

How would you celebrate National Nothing Day?

Every day in Britain seems to be taken

already,,with days like,

" Stop whining and suck it up" Day,

" Don't ask any awkward questions" Day,

"So what,? I don't care" Day,

"Let's bury the bad news" Day,

"The Police need 50,000 volts of electricity, for people to take them seriously" Day,

"Smile, you're on CCTV" Day,

"Look out, Sarge, he's got a Breadstick!" Day,

"Lets go down town and Bingedrink" Day,

"But we thought he was a Terrorist " Day

and all these days seem to be interchangeable and totally random, so I don't think we've really understood the rules of this "National Day" at all.

Not like the Canadians have?

Darn Dickles! The squirrel ran away when I tried to hug him?!?

Darn Dickles! The squirrel ran away when I tried to hug him?!?

Once, I got pulled over for speeding, and as the cop was politely explaining this I interrupted him.

"That squirrel is eating a mouse, " I said while pointing off into a yard.

Sure enough, he too was perplexed, and told me I was free to go because he had to call his wife. God bless that creepy mouse-eating squirrel!

This is all true.

Also on this date Tuesday, January 21, 2025...