National Backyard Games Week on May, 2025: What are 6 important holidays in february?
National Backyard Games Week 2025.
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Black History Month (United States and Canada)
National School Counseling Week (first week, United States)
American Heart Month
Groundhog Day (February 2)
Mardi Gras (Sometime between February 3 to March 9 in non-leap years or February 4 to March 9 in leap years)
Ash Wednesday (Sometime between February 4 and March 10)
Waitangi Day, New Zealand (February 6)
The Super Bowl
AFC-NFC Pro Bowl
NBA All-Star game
Daytona 500
Westminster Dog Show
St. Valentine's Day (February 14)
Presidents' Day (3rd Monday of February), or Washington's Birthday (February 22)
Lincoln's Birthday (February 12)
Darwin Day celebration
Constitution Day (Mexico) (February 5)
Carnaval (Celebrated before Lent)
NHL All-Star game
Library Lovers Month
National Lactose Intolerance Awareness Month (Canada)
National Bird-Feeding Month
The Great Backyard Bird Count
Flag Day - Canada (February 15)
National Hot Breakfast Month
Imbolc February 2
Thinking Day (Girl Guides) February 22
B.P. day (Scouts Canada) February 22
Founder's Day (Scout Association (UK)) February 22
National Engineers Week (week of Presidents day) (United States)
Independence Day (Dominican Republic) (February 27)
International Mother Language Day (February 21)
National "Shake Your Booty" month
what did union/confederate soldiers do during their free time?
The Civil War gets credit for giving birth to Baseball!! More so among Union soldiers than Confederates, in their spare time troops organized games of baseball - - - not as elaborate as modern times more like a pick-up game in a field and among rowdy soldiers it can be expected that the game was a bt rougher. Other pastimes in camp would be odd to a modern American. People way back then READ books & magazines or for those who could not read, others would read out loud. Often a circle of ten to twenty would form around a soldier with a good voice and a set of dramatic gestures and he would read from newspaper or magazine or books. Sitting around the ole campfire singing songs was another past time.
And then there were the domestic tasks. Many a soldier took down time to sew, stitching holes in their uniforms. Often a soldier was know for his sewing skills and others would give him their clothes to mend.
Aside from baseball, other recreational chores were tossing of horseshoes, bozing matches were often organized )or disorganized) and many soldiers loved to play at checkers or chess or more rarely backgamon. Poker care of age during the Civil War, soon to be a staple of Wild West lore, and so playing cards was another pastime.
There were other recreational pursuits but they are of an adult nature and not to be discussed on this forum.
"""Although baseball was popular in Northern and Southern communities prior to the war, the game was an ideal breeding ground for spreading baseball socially, economically and geographically. The high concentrations of young men in army camps and prisons converted the sport formerly reserved for "gentlemen" into a common pastime and an opportunity to forget the rigors and sorrows of war. Officers and enlisted men played side by side and soldiers earned their places on the team because of their athletic prowess, not their rank or social status. As such, it forever was linked with patriotism.
The soldier's version of baseball closely paralleled the civilian rules of the game. Localized versions of the game melded together or were dropped entirely in favor of the "New York" rules. Many New Yorkers were stationed within the Defenses of Washington and were among the best players of the sport, affording civilians and soldiers alike an opportunity to see the new leisure pursuit.
On July 2, 1861, the Washington Nationals baseball club was defeated by a team from the 71st New York Regiment in the "President's Backyard" (the Ellipse) by a score of 41 to 13. When the 71st New York returned to the Defenses of Washington in 1862, the teams played a rematch, which the Nationals won 28 to 13, mainly because some of the 71st's best athletes had been killed at Bull Run only weeks after their first game.
Suddenly there was a scattering of fire, which three outfielders caught the brunt; the centerfield was hit and was captured, left and right field managed to get back to our lines. The attack...was repelled without serious difficulty, but we had lost not only our centerfield, but...the only baseball in Alexandria, Texas.
George Putnam, Union soldier
One of the best attended sporting events of the nineteenth century occurred on Christmas Day, 1862 when the 165th New York Volunteer Regiment (Duryea Zouaves) played at Hilton Head, South Carolina with more than 40,000 troops watching. The Zouaves' opponent was a team composed of men selected from other Union regiments. A.G. Mills, who would later become the president of the National League, played in the game. """
how to teach my 3 yr old at home?
Use the computer (in moderation). Websites such as Playhouse Disney and Nick Jr as well as, and The Hub have games and actiivities for parents/children. You can also visit the websites of various zoos and animal sanctuaries to watch their live web cams (something my 3 year old really enjoys).
Use television (in moderation). There are some really cute programs that teach different things, from Spanish or Chinese to sharing and friendship.
My 3 year old daughter LOVES when she is allowed to play Wii or one of her older siblings DSs. Since she is the oldest, you may not have those things but if/when you do there are some great games that are educational! Something she still uses that I got her older siblings is the Leap Pad- I highly recommend it (and any Leap Frog products, actually).
Go for walks- take time to point out where the various sounds are coming from, what the various sights are. Look for different animals, point out shapes in the clouds, collect interesting rocks or leaves, etc.
Play in the yard- jump rope, hula hoop, use sidewalk chalk, hop scotch, ride a tricycle (my 3 year old daughter LOVES her tricycle), play with a wagon (she also loves this), toss a ball back and forth, blow bubbles, build a sandbox and use beach toys in it, get a toddler pool and/or sprinkler for her to splash in.
Play games such as Simon Says, I Spy, etc.
Go to the library when you can and borrow materials- books, movies, CDs with nursery rhymes and/or lullabies. Read, read, read. I love Ready For Kindergarten by Sharon Wilcox (I got it from Amazon) as it is easily adaptable for younger children and I also like Story S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-R-S which I also got from Amazon.
Subscribe to magazines such as Your Big Backyard, Highlights High Five, Little National Geographic, and Pack-O-Fun. It is fun for children to get mail, and they have all sorts of edcuational and fun activities in them.
Sing and dance. Either play with musical instruments (real, toy or ones you make yourself- pots and spoons for drums, for instance).
I have alphabet and number magnets on the side of my washer and dryer so she can play with them while I am doing laundry.
She matches socks and folds the washcloths while I am folding laundry- great skills!
Play games such as Memory, Chutes and Ladders, etc.
Let her help you in the kitchen, cooking and baking. You can use cookie cutters to make letters out of cookies, sandwhiches, etc.
Arts and crafts
Dress Up
Her learning should be through play and exploration. At this age you can introduce some organized activities, but she should also have a LOT of free time.
When possible, set up play dates with friends and/or cousins. When y ou have access to the vehicle look into toddler programs at the Children's Museum, zoo, library, park, YMCA, etc.