Arab American Heritage Month on April, 2025: African American History Month?

April, 2025 is Arab American Heritage Month 2025. Arab American Heritage Month Poster Arab American Heritage Month

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African American History Month?

You're splitting hairs here. You're assuming that white people aren't doing the exact same thing. Don't white's consider Obama black even though he's half white. You have to take into account that the pseudo-scientific notion of race in this country is a white construct. For instance, modern day Egyptians are amalgams of Africans, Arabs and Europeans, but because of an a-historical political agenda that I won't get into on this page THEY ARE CONSIDERED WHITE. If you've met an Egyptian they seem to on average, at least favor mulattoes. I'm Haitian by the way, but the simple fact of the matter is, whether I'm African-American OR just black, or n*gro, or colored, or even if I would like to think I'm American most people in this country are going to draw some kind of distinction. No ethnic group really things their the same as every body else. American-ness doesn't exist. That's just the way this country is. . .

Americans vs. African, Mexican, Asian, Arab, and Native Americans.?

Americans vs. African, Mexican, Asian, Arab, and Native Americans.?

I know that it's not fair. Minorities are encouraged to embrace their heritage, & to be proud of it. But anything that White people do to show pride in their race or culture will be seen as racist, or atleast politically incorrect. They won't let us be White, & happy about it at the same time.

What month do we celebrate Chinese History Month and or Italian History month?

What month do we celebrate Chinese History Month and or Italian History month?

Let's see. In terms of cultrual heritage/history:

January is Geek Appreciation Month

Feburary is Black History Month

March is Irish-American Heritage Month, Greek-American Heritage Month, and Women's History Month

April is Arab American Heritage Month and Scotish-American Heritage Month

May is a big month folks, looking at South Asian Heritage Month, Haitian Heritage Month, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, and Jewish American Heritage Month

June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month

July is French-American Heritage Month

September and October share National Hispanic Heritage Month and German-American Heritage Month (they both begin September 15th and end October 15th)

October is Black History month (in the UK), Filipino-American History Month, and Italian-American Heritage Month

November is National American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month

August and December are free if anyone is looking for a cultrual heritage/history month

Also on this date Tuesday, April 1, 2025...