Vitamin C Day 2025 is on Friday, April 4, 2025: Guinea Pig Vitamin C?

Friday, April 4, 2025 is Vitamin C Day 2025. Vitamins - Walmart®‎ Save On Vitamins & Supplements At Your Local Walmart® Today!

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Vitamin C Day

Load on lemon or lime, berries and eco-friendly vegetable for Vitamin C Day improve your defense mechanisms, protect against that cold and feel happy!

Guinea Pig Vitamin C?

Vitamin C drops that you put in the water do NOT work, so please don't waste your money.

Vit C is rapidly degraded by exposure to light, and contact with metals. A guinea pig water bottle is clear plastic with a metal spout - so the vit C is broken down and useless before the pigs can benefit from it.

Guinea pigs need to get their vit C in their diet - mainly from fresh veggies.

Pretty much all veggies contain some vit C - although bell peppers are particularly good! You should be feeding about one cup per day per pig of mixed veggies. For example - my pigs get bell pepper and some sort of lettuce (NOT iceburg) every day plus something different, eg baby carrot, cucumber, strawberry, celery, cilantro, parsley etc.

Fruit can be given in small amounts up to twice per week (high in sugar) You are right that citrus fruits like oranges can be a problem, because they can cause mouth sores.

For a definitive list of what fruit and veg your pigs can have, and menu ideas check out this site:

As a back up you should also be feeding a quality guinea pig pellet food containing a stabilised form of vit C. (Oxbow and Kleenmama's are the only decent brands - the rest are junk)

Hope this helps!

How much Vitamin C can you take a day?

How much Vitamin C can you take a day?

The Vitamin C Foundation recommends 3 gm of vitamin C per day but most health authorities recommend less.

How much vitamin c can i have in a day?

How much vitamin c can i have in a day?

The Vitamin C Foundation actually recommends 3 gm (3,000 mg) per day but most health authorities recommend a lot less.

Too much vitamin C can possibly lead to kidney stones and vitamin C in large amounts is also a diuretic.

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