Victims of Violence Wholly Day 2025 is on Friday, April 4, 2025: Is this how liberals feel about gun control?

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Is this how liberals feel about gun control?

I attended college, received a Bachelor of Arts degree, and never learned one thing about Che Guevara (the actual spelling of his name... kind of makes your point less interesting if you can't even do a little research). Although I am educated, I have been hit hard by the troubled economy like many Americans, I live in the inner city in a neighborhood of mixed race. The crime rate in my neighborhood is high, mostly due to drug traffic committed largely by white drug dealers. I work over 40 hours a week and cannot afford a car, leaving me wholly independent on public transportation, also used mainly by Latinos and African-Americans. I do not mind this in the least bit. If anything I am thankful that I can still make it into both of my jobs.

if you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia you've got a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 32,000 gun deaths last year and they had 112. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature? Or do you think it's because those guys have gun control laws?

The moment anyone wants to have a serious discussion on gun control the right goes nuts with the ridiculous notion that liberals are trying to take away their guns and trampling on the Second Amendment. Let's dissect that for a minute. First of all, the Second Amendment does not guarantee anyone the inalienable right to own a gun. The only way it would say that is if you added some words to it. It says a well-regulated militia, being necessary for the security of the free state... the government shall not infringe. The words "regulated" and "militia" are in the first sentence. I don't think the Framer's were thinking of severely mentally disturbed people who targeted children as young as five and six. I don't think they were thinking of people who walk into a crowded movie theater on the opening night of a much-anticipated blockbuster knowing that the theater would be crowded with potential victims of a random act of gun violence.

Secondly, no one is talking about "taking your guns away." No liberal I know of wishes to permanently doing away with guns. I do believe Americans have the right to own a gun, should they desire to use it for sport or for home protection and I know many liberals who own guns for such purposes. What the advocates of gun control would like to see is tighter restrictions on what kind of guns citizens have access too and which citizens have access to those guns. No one needs an automatic assault rifle to hunt deer or protect their household. No one needs buckets of ammunition unless they are planning a mass shooting. We need to seriously view the necessity of such weapons and limit their availability. with a three-day wait to run a background check to see if the person acquiring such a weapon is crazy. As if wanting the gun wasn't a pretty good heads up in the first place.

Six dead in Tucson, Arizona. Twelve dead in Aurora, Colorado. Six dead in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Two dead in Portland, Oregon. Twenty-six dead in Newton, Connecticut. In all of those massacres the gunman was white. Do you think for a minute that any educated person in this country thinks that this is an issue of race?

I'm not sure what's more damning, the fact that in the wake of this tragedy which has affected the lives of so many people you're making idiotic claims about what you think a liberal's opinion of gun control might be or your garish assumptions that every liberal lives in an upscale gated community away from minorities and does so for that sole purpose. You apparently have no knowledge whatsoever on this subject. It's painfully obvious that you have a very bigoted view on minorities and that you have much animosity towards anyone who had the nerve to educate themselves in hopes of a brighter future. Both of these things speaks volumes for your view of anyone who is of a darker skin tone or who possesses a college degree. And you wonder why the south gets such a negative stereotype?

In short, your question isn't indestructible. It's completely asinine and it celebrates both your bigotry and your ignorance and does so with an undeserved sense of pride. The only thing you seem to be an expert on is your lazy attitude and your erroneous view on those you don't know and don't care to learn anything about.

Don’t you think people should celebrate more holidays?! Look all these ones for april?

Don't you think people should celebrate more holidays?! Look all these ones for april?

Any more?



Are you suggesting that there are no Muslim terrorists? Then you are not from this country where Muslim terrorists have attacked and killed.

You don't read the newspapers where mothers in the markets trying to buy their daughters clothes are killed by Muslim terrorists.

Here is the truth:

Iranian Women and Girls - Victims of Exploitation and Violence

Mullah Mohammad Yazdi, the Head of the Judiciary, also emphasizes the subservience of women: "If kneeling before God were not obligatory, wives should have knelt before their husbands." He also said: "A woman is wholly the possession of her husband, and her public life is conditional upon her husband’s consent."

In an interview with Die Tageszeitung on October 18, Ebtekar defended discrimination against women and medieval punishments, like stoning. In response to a question on stoning to death, Ebtekar said: "One should take the psychological and legal affairs of the society into consideration as well. If family rules and regulations are broken, it would result in many complex, grave consequences for all of the society."

Sale of Girl Children

Girl children suffer the worst conditions in Iran today. According to the clerical regime’s rules and regulations, a girl child can virtually be bought and sold with the consent of her male guardian. Article 1041 of the Civil Code provides that ‘Marriage before puberty (nine full lunar years for girls) is prohibited. Marriage contracted before reaching puberty with the permission of the guardian is valid provided that the interests of the ward are duly observed."

It has become common practice to sell or force very young girls to marry much older husbands, giving rise to all sorts of social ills. Adineh magazine wrote in summer 1991: "An 11-year-old girl was married off to a 27-year-old man. The father, who had seven daughters, received $300 for his consent. The morning after the marriage ceremonies, the girl was taken to hospital suffering from severe lacerations to her genitals."

The state-controlled daily, Ressalat, reported on December 15, 1991, that due to extreme poverty and the absence of the most basic facilities, the deprived people of northern Khorassan sell their young girls for as little as $33. The buyers, mostly from Gonabad, take the girls away and put them to work on farms and in workshops. In the impoverished province of Sistan-Baluchistan (southeastern Iran), girls eight - ten years old are sold by their drug-addicted parents for $4. Children are routinely abused in the labor force, and girls as young as four are used in the brick manufacturing, carpet weaving, textile and clothing industries.

According to the penal code, a nine-year-old girl can be punished as an adult by flogging, execution and even stoning. Given the arbitrary punishments and the virtual lack of due process of law, large numbers of children have been executed, in many cases without being officially charged or even having their identities established.

Rape of Female Prisoners

According to a special "religious decree" issued by Ayatollah Khomeini, virgin women prisoners must be raped before execution to prevent their going to heaven. A Guard conducts the rape the night before their murder. The next day, the religious judge at the prison issues a marriage certificate and sends it to the victim’s family, along with a box of sweets.

Tens of thousands of women have been subjected to cruel torture and execution. One method is particularly revealing: the Revolutionary

In an eyewitness report, Amnesty International revealed how the small children of many young women in Evin Prison are viciously abused. Witness Helmut Szimkus, a German engineer, told Amnesty International they are kept "because they are an asset to the prison authorities for gaining confessions." Szimkus, who was released after serving a lengthy sentence in an Iranian prison, said he witnessed several cases where Iranian children were tortured in the presence of their parents. "One time these guys [torturers] raped a nine-year-old girl. The parents had to watch. The father shook and rattled so badly that he could no longer sign the espionage confession they put before him."

Rampant Prostitution

The social environment imbedded in the misogynous views, laws and policies of the fundamentalist regime naturally spawns corruption, making it increasingly difficult for women to survive. Women bear the brunt of the economic difficulties and social barriers and restrictions. Large numbers of deprived women have been forced into prostitution or become addicted to drugs. Meanwhile, the clerical regime, touting Islam, claims to accord "divine respect" to women.

"It is appalling. Never has prostitution been so rampant. But everything is done behind the veil," Mahin, a 47-year old female Iranian jurist purged by the mullahs, told Helen Kami, the French journalist for Elle magazine who visited Iran in January 1997. Kami writes: "Prostitutes regularly roam Gandhi Street in north Tehran. At 5 p.m., we go to Istanbuli Street, also in north Tehran. The cab drivers, looking for wealthy or foreign patrons, are driving slowly. In exchange for only $1 (500 Tomans), they can provide you with girls, alcoholic beverages, heroin and hashish."

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