Serendipity Day 2024 is on Sunday, August 18, 2024: adjectives describing "Serendipity"?

Sunday, August 18, 2024 is Serendipity Day 2024. Celebrate Serendipity Day August 18th Celebrate Serendipity Day

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adjectives describing "Serendipity"?

"Serendipity" is a word coined by the English author Horace Walpole in the 1750's. He was reading some fairy tale titled "The Three Princes of Serendip",where Serendip was the name of modern-day Sri Lanka. These princes, made one good discovery after another. So he decided to coin "serendipity" to stand for "fortunate discoveries".

Because the word is expressive in itself, it is difficult to give it an adjective. But maybe, just maybe, you can describe it as sweet serendipity.

Serendipity means a happy coincidence, but how to describe a dark serendipity?

Serendipity means a happy coincidence, but how to describe a dark serendipity?

does wiki have an answer for everything these days?!!! lol! hi (((okei)))

William Boyd coined the term zemblanity to mean somewhat the opposite of serendipity: "making unhappy, unlucky and expected discoveries occurring by design".[10] A zemblanity is, effectively, an "unpleasant surprise". It derives from Novaya Zemlya (or Nova Zembla), a cold, barren land with many features opposite to the lush Sri Lanka (Serendip).

EDIT: hey, how would you like a side of unusual punctuation marks to go with that?

kids movie with the word serendipity?

kids movie with the word serendipity?

Serendipity is a 2001 romantic movie, starring Kate Beckinsale and John Cusack. It is written by Marc Klein and directed by Peter Chelsom. The original music score is composed by Alan Silvestri.

* Tagline: "Can once in a lifetime happen twice?"


On a bustling shopping day in winter, Jonathan meets Sara when both try to buy the same pair of gloves at Bloomingdale's department store. Two strangers amid the masses in New York City, their paths collide in the mad holiday rush as they feel a mutual attraction. Despite the fact that each is involved in another relationship, Jonathan and Sara spend the evening travelling Manhattan. But when the night reaches its inevitable end, the two are forced into determining some kind of next step. When the smitten Jonathan suggests an exchange of phone numbers, Sara balks and proposes an idea that will allow fate to take control of their future. If they are meant to be together, she tells him, they will find their way back into one another's life.

The majority of the film takes place seven years later, and consists largely of repeated "almost coincidences" where the two romantic leads almost, but not quite, meet. (One character is seen walking in to one door of a building at the exact same instant as the other character walks out of a different door in the same building, etc).

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