Birth Control Pills Day 2024 is on Sunday, August 18, 2024: I had unprotected sex the day I started my birth control pills.?

Sunday, August 18, 2024 is Birth Control Pills Day 2024. Birth Control Pills: How to take BCP's 28 Day Pill Calendar

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I had unprotected sex the day I started my birth control pills.?

If this is the first time you have taken birth control pills then there is a chance that you could get pregnant. You are supposed to use a backup method for at least a week when you start the pill. But, the first day after your period is an unlikely day to get pregnant, and if you were pregnant, it is really too early too be feeling nauseous. That is probably just from nerves. The best thing to do is just keep taking the pills and if you don't get your period on time take a test.

missed taking aviane birth control pill one day?

missed taking aviane birth control pill one day?

The efficacy of your pill was probably reduced to around 92% ("typical use"). Probably not an issue, but a higher chance than usual. Ensure that you use backup protection for 7 days after the missed pill.

If you're worried, just think about everything that would have to happen perfectly for you to end up pregnant:

- Sperm from sex 2 days before would have to stay alive for a few days or more

- You would have to ovulate pretty much immediately after missing your pill

- Said sperm would need to survive to meet egg in Fallopian tube

- Surviving sperm would need to be healthy/strong enough to break through cell wall of egg

- Fertilized embryo would have to implant in uterus, which shouldn't exactly be hospitable to an embryo since birth control thins the lining

- Embryo would have to survive after implantation (spontaneous abortion actually occurs more often than you think)

The odds of all of that happening are pretty low. Not impossible, but low.

I took my birth control pill the same day I started my period in hopes it would stop, but it didn’t?

I took my birth control pill the same day I started my period in hopes it would stop, but it didn't?

no birth control pills Do Not instantly stop your period- never have-

there is NO way to instantly stop a period- the period material was made a couple weeks before it your period starts- it does Not just disappear by magic- it comes out of your body

birth control pills taken as directed stop you from ovulating- but it takes a few weeks to work properly

suggest you Learn about what birth control are and how they work

And How your period works

When the egg is mature it bursts from the ovary and drifts through the Fallopian tube down into the uterus. The lining of the uterus - the endometrium - has been thickened by the action of hormones and made ready to receive the fertilised egg.

If the egg is fertilized and the woman becomes pregnant, it will fasten itself onto the endometrium. If the egg is not fertilized, however, resultant hormonal changes cause the endometrium to slip away and menstruation begins.

Menstrual discharge is composed of the endometrium itself, together with a little fresh blood caused by the breaking of very fine blood vessels within the endometrium as it detaches itself from the inside of the uterus.

Also on this date Sunday, August 18, 2024...