National Photo Month on May, 2024: Looking for online photo contests.?

May, 2024 is National Photo Month 2024. National Photo Month "Empire Lake Views" Contest (Southwestern ... National Photo Month

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Looking for online photo contests...?

has 2 contests a month that is open to all ages. Currently there is a photo of the day competition to celebrate National Photography Month.

Main Site -

Photo of the Day Contest Announcement -

Photo documentary grant?

Photo documentary grant?

Having helped my ex-wife apply for such grants in the past, without a strong background in the field of photography will put you at a disadvantage.

My ex was a graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography and had a huge body of work to choose from including documentary shots from Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, Cambodia, Olympic National Forest, USA and many photo essays shot over a few years. She always finished high enough to reach the interview stage, but for whatever reason, she never was given a grant.

Not even having a camera, the chances of you producing any photos are slim.

You really need some basic tools. A camera body and a few lenses are a good start. Some photo skills and experience is another important factor.

Passion is just the engine that drives you to your goal ... you also have to have all the skill sets and tools to make your passion a reality, with or without a grant

National Foster Parent Month-Gift Ideas?

National Foster Parent Month-Gift Ideas?

Give them something they can share with their family, My Aunt is a foster parents, I got all of her foster kids together one year for her birthday (she has 4) and all of her adopted and biological children together and we went to the park I took about 70 different photos, 5 group photos, and a bunch of photos of the kids pared and singles. She loved the gift so much that she still talks about it, and that happened 4 years ago.

Also on this date Wednesday, May 1, 2024...