Games Day 2024 is on Friday, December 20, 2024: Xbox one at GAME day one edition?

Friday, December 20, 2024 is Games Day 2024.

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Xbox one at GAME day one edition?

I preordered it in Game too , when I clicked preorder game one edition online it all seemed fine until I actually paid for it and then it no longer said day one edition which made me a little confused.. I will be contacting them tomorrow to ask if I will be getting the day one edition because I want that 12 months xbox live subscription, add ons , the special controller and the day one achievement....( will edit my comment to let you know if its deffinetly the day one edition.

And I just wanted to say that I'm kinda annoyed by the fact that everyone is hating on the xbox so much before it has even come out,,,, after the first presentation a few weeks back everyone was like , where are the games , we don't care about your media box... At e3 people complained that it was all about games and they didnt talk about their pre owned policy and the kinect and of course everyone criticised the price... I personally don't think the trade in policy is as bad as everyone says it is, but we will wait and see,,,, the 24 hour thing hasnt been explained properly so we will wait and see...the kinect isn't always on but to be honest I have nothing to hide so I don't give a foock if anyone is watching me ... Now the price , the ps4 comes without the eye device and its day one edition gives you erm nothing whatsoever., I'm prepared to pay the £80 extra if it means getting the kinect with the console and I'm pretty sure that Sony will have another package with the eye which will cost about the same as the xbox one package. I have heard from a few sources that xbox games will cost £35 in the UK which would be great but I'm not sure ..... I currently have both consoles but love the xbox controller and the exclusive games on the xbox are a lot better and so is xbox live..( apart from the last of us , because that game is truly incredible and I can't stop playing it..) My brother is getting the ps4 so I guess I will be able to see what all the hype is about and if all the criticism of the xbox one is fair or if its all done by staff at Sony and the fans of the play station who haven't quite got over the fact that the xbox 360 is better then the ps3..... Cant wait till November really...


What is an A-Day game?

What is an A-Day game?

The A-Day game is Auburn's spring game where they scrimmage themselves. If you want to go to that game, you'll have to wait a while since 2013's game already happened.

Should i run on practice and game days?

Should i run on practice and game days?

Practice running on practice game days, and jog a lap or two on real game days. You don't want to tire yourself out before a game.

Also on this date Friday, December 20, 2024...