Easter 2025 is on Sunday, April 20, 2025: Easter?

Sunday, April 20, 2025 is Easter 2025. The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially called the Orthodox Catholic Church, and also referred to as the Orthodox Church and Orthodoxy, is the second largest Christian church in the world, with an estimated 225–300 million adherents, primarily in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

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Easter Egg Hunt

The Eastern Orthodox Church, officially called the Orthodox Catholic Church, and also referred to as the Orthodox Church and Orthodoxy, is the second largest Christian church in the world, with an estimated 225–300 million adherents, primarily in the Balkans, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

Happy Easter to all,

Eastern Europe is the eastern part of the European continent. The term has widely disparate and varying geopolitical, geographical, cultural, and socioeconomic readings, which makes it highly context-dependent and even volatile.


Easter time is perhaps the most crucial event within the Christian religious calendar (alongside Christmas), and remembers the dying and resurrection of Jesus. Contemporarily (and non-religiously), a vital celebration of Easter may be the swapping of Easter eggs.


Easter was originally the festival of Ostara, named after the Teutonic Goddess Eostra..She was the Goddess of Spring and fertility... Under Constantine in the 4th century AD, the Christians assimilated this festival and called it the Resurrection.. I will cut a long story short.. The name Easter is derived from the Goddess Oestare, Ostern, Eostra or Eostre, depending upon which literature you read...How's this girls.. The female hormone oestrogen can claim its roots to this Goddess..The fertility aspect of Ostara is symbolised by the egg, which appears as a prominent icon in both Christian and Eastern Orthodox Easters... It is believed that eggs and another symbol of fertility - the rabbit - surrounded the Spring Goddess, Eostra.. The rabbit, popularly known as the Easter Bunny, is another ubiquitous sign of modern Easter.. Let's talk about hot cross buns..... The cross represents the cross that Jesus died on ..... Right Christians ??? Wrong to the power of 2... Hot crossed buns were another stolen aspect of Ostara... At the feast of Oestre, an ox was sacrificed.. The ox horns symbolised the feast and were carved into ritual bread . The symmetrical cross has been continued to decorate the buns, that are now commonly called hot cross buns.. So you see it was stolen from the Pagans, Life, Death, Rebirth, it did represent.. The Christians stole it to represent the Resurrection...

Love and Light.. Blessed Be.. )O(

Whats the meaning of Easter ?

Whats the meaning of Easter ?

Easter was originally the festival of Ostara, named after the Teutonic Goddess Eostra..She was the Goddess of Spring and fertility... Under Constantine in the 4th century AD, the Christians assimilated this festival and called it the Resurrection.. I will cut a long story short.. The name Easter is derived from the Goddess Oestare, Ostern, Eostra or Eostre, depending upon which literature you read...How's this girls.. The female hormone oestrogen can claim its roots to this Goddess..The fertility aspect of Ostara is symbolised by the egg, which appears as a prominent icon in both Christian and Eastern Orthodox Easters... It is believed that eggs and another symbol of fertility - the rabbit - surrounded the Spring Goddess, Eostra.. The rabbit, popularly known as the Easter Bunny, is another ubiquitous sign of modern Easter.. Let's talk about hot cross buns..... The cross represents the cross that Jesus died on ..... Right Christians ??? Wrong to the power of 2... Hot crossed buns were another stolen aspect of Ostara... At the feast of Oestre, an ox was sacrificed.. The ox horns symbolised the feast and were carved into ritual bread . The symmetrical cross has been continued to decorate the buns, that are now commonly called hot cross buns.. So you see it was stolen from the Pagans, Life, Death, Rebirth, it did represent.. The Christians stole it to represent the Resurrection...

Love and Light.. Blessed Be.. )O(



Who decided when Easter falls? In short, a committee of Christian scholars in the days of ancient Rome.

Christians have always kept Easter linked to the Jewish festival of Passover as, according to the Bible, that's when Jesus's death and resurrection took place. (Jesus's death happened on the day of preparation for Passover).

The trouble is that the Jewish (Biblical) calendar is a lunar one; the one we use today is a solar calendar. The two don't tally neatly, which makes calculating when Easter should be quite difficult. In the third century AD, Christian scholars worked out a formula to align Easter with the dates of Passover.

The formula is that Easter Day falls on the Sunday after the first full moon on or after the spring equinox (actually the church uses 21 March as a fixed date for the equinox).

In practice, this means that Easter Day can be as early as 22 March and as late as 25 April in the Western church (the Orthodox church follows a slightly different calendar, but still a solar one).

Extremely early and late Easters are quite rare... the next time Easter falls on 22 March will be 2285. You can find the date for Easter in any year here:

At least you won't have to wait for next year's diary to be printed before knowing when Easter will be.


Also on this date Sunday, April 20, 2025...