Divorce Monday 2025 is on Monday, January 6, 2025: Divorce questions need info?

Monday, January 6, 2025 is Divorce Monday 2025. Miss. Online Divorce $149 - Complete All Required Forms Onlineā€Ž Fast, Lawyer-Free, 100% Guarantee.

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Divorce questions need info?

I would call legal aid and explain the situation. They can guide you as to your options, as well as determining further steps in handling the divorce proceedings.


Even if he begins to harass you, DON'T GIVE HIM ANY DOCUMENTS!!!!!

Let your attorney know of the harassment and a restraining order can be issued.

Also...check the bank!! Make sure he hasn't already closed your account, or withdrew all the money.

Call legal aid right away to find your options or rights in obtaining access to the bank funds, if he hasn't drained it already.

I will not lie to you...this is going to be a rough trip. You have no money, no job, and until the divorce is settled, I'm afraid no money coming in at all. So be prepared. It's not the end of the world, just the end of how you knew it.

And *NO*, he cannot sell the house, even if it is in his name!

I am so very sorry this has happened to you, and my thoughts are with you! Good luck and much success!!


Divorce advice?

Divorce advice?

My advice is both for her safety and yours - monday morning, go to your police department and ask about filing an order of protection.. usually one can be filed at the courthouse and can be granted immediately.. at my courthouse there was a "legal advocate" who helped fill out the papers and stood with me before the judge. I was in and out with one in a matter of hours... Then she will need to go to the police dept where she lived, where she works, and any other places listed in the order of protection and have them make a copy of it to keep on file. She needs to keep this with her at all times.

Immediately she needs to contact a Women's abuse shelter (listed in the phone book) and go there.. they have security and a safe place for her.. trust me, these women know how to provide for her safety and to help her with counseling, and help her get back on her feet.

But, she needs to leave your home. I know it's harsh, but many times husbands fly off and attack the people that are housing the wife because in his mind, if you weren't there, she'd be home and it's your fault. You don't want us to read about your family on the news.. you've seen it yourself too often.. Be her friend.. but don't risk your family for her..

And, the women's shelter is experienced in how to help her with this.. Best of luck and you, your family, and your friend are in my prayers.

My uncontested divorce hearing is to place Monday.?

My uncontested divorce hearing is to place Monday.?

It doesn't matter if the judge likes them or not your divorce is uncontested and he will have to do his job. It will be easy just kinda freaky standing there when everyone in the peanut gallery can hear you...Just pretend no one else is there, don't talk out of turn and they basically tell you whats going to happen and when to say something...It isn't difficult.

Also on this date Monday, January 6, 2025...