World Youth Day 2025 is on Sunday, April 13, 2025: World Youth Day 2008?

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World Youth Day, 2011 at

The 17th World Youth Day 2002 (WYD2002) was a Catholic youth festival held from July 23 to July 28, 2002 in Toronto, Canada.

2013 Official logo WYD

World Youth Day 1995 was a Catholic youth festival that took place from January 10–15, 1995 in Manila, Philippines.

World Youth Day 2008?

Never been to any World Youth Day yet.

Exactly, where and when is World Youth Day 2008?

Surely sound fun and great!


Found this site for World Youth Day 2008

Has the Pope announced the 2014 World Youth Day host?

Has the Pope announced the 2014 World Youth Day host?

The next world youth day is in 2016, it will be in Krakow Poland.

Why does world youth day last a week. cant catholics tell the difference between the two.?

Why does world youth day last a week. cant catholics tell the difference between the two.?

kymm r - World Youth Day was created by a bunch of catholics that was to continue their faith by encouraging and teaching young people about God and Jesus etc. So that the religion lives on. Why would they include another religion if there was a possibility teenagers wouldn't pick their faith - the Catholic religion would be no more. That's like suicide!? LOL.

Anyways I've wanted to know that since this years World Youth Day. I was expecting it to be a day but they were like partying for days! Why don't they call it World Youth Week? Maybe it's because the Pope only appears in public for one day, but the teenagers need to party so they party while they're waiting. Or maybe it just seems so long because it's been on the news for like a month prior to the actual event. Who knows?

Also on this date Sunday, April 13, 2025...