Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day 2024 is on Wednesday, May 29, 2024: can i be getting pimples from my face touching the pillow while im sleeping?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 is Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day 2024. Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day Happy Put A Pillow On Your Fridge Day! I'm not entirely sure about this

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can i be getting pimples from my face touching the pillow while im sleeping?

Well if you've noticed its only with the pillow I suggest you wash it, because it may just be a little dirty Vanessa B

Let me tell you something not many people know,

When you try to wash the oil off your wash using soap or

any store brought product what happends is it sucks up alot of the natural oils

out of your skin, and what happends when that occurs? your

skin goes into over time trying to reblimish the lost oil

and doubles the amount, your pores open up more to get more of the oil out and air in so let me help you

Ah ok well my mother had the same problem as you,

and let me tell you what she did to make it stop,

this is a home treatment of course, the only thing

you may need to buy is a lemon if you dont already have some in the fridge,

what you want to do is get some lemon and squeez that

sucker into a tiny bit of honey, and mix that all together, put that

into the area where you want treated and wait 5-10 mins and than wash off,

the lemon works great as a toner and as we all know toners are

great for tighthing the skin and even better for your pores to look

smaller, the honey helps as an evener, it will even out the uneven

skin tone and also sooths the skin,This teachique not only destorys the pimples you already

have but it also helps prevent them from coming up again,Drinking alot of water

every day also helps alot :) Well I hope this helps <3 good luck

-- Love Vanessa

valentines day husband ideas?

valentines day husband ideas?

If you have never tried it, give it a chance.

·Plan a different place to seduce him. The old rules are : raise the bed, lower the ceiling, pad the floor. (another mattress, bed netting or curtains, or a twin mattress or futon on the floor) The easiest for me is a mattress on the floor (you can use the cushions off the sofa if you can’t scare up a small mattress)

·With the mattress on the floor, don’t tuck in the sheet, spread it out for effect. Cover it with an oversized white sheet with lots of pillows under the sheet at one end.

·If you want to dress that up, get a 2-3 yards of a sheer or netting and lay it flat over the sheet. (Pink? Red? Black? I went for a beach motif and used blue sheer over the white sheet)

·Rose petals. Guys will never admit it, but they really work wonders. You can get a bag of them at the grocers. Florists are another place to look. If you don’t find a bag of rose petals, petals come from roses. Buy a stem or two and leave them in the fridge til you are ready to pluck them. Then you pull the petals off them and throw away the stems.

·Scatter the rose petals over the sheer on the bedding you are making.

·What goes around the bed is up to you. Maybe put a nice drink in a bowl of ice (champagne, beer, liquor?) Maybe grapes and strawberries. Maybe a candle or two (the tea lights in aluminum tins are nice, you can set them in dishes of salt, sand, or stones) .Maybe nothing at all. Use your imagination.

·Is this the part where I say “Tea lights $2. Sheer $8. Rose petals $9. Beer $9 (or wine or champagne $?) An evening there – memorable and priceless.”

Put on something sexy, light the candles, turn out the lights and call him to “Come here a minute, I need a hand with this!” When he comes in ready to move the furniture, you can move is world.

Your imagination will impress him.

My girlfriend puts trash & dirty dishes in the refrigerator?

My girlfriend puts trash & dirty dishes in the refrigerator?

golly gosh that is a nasty habit... it must be hard to clean the dishes after the food has set in the fridge!! show her that its easier to wash them straight away. and the garbage... umm maybe an outside rubbish bin. my hubby has a habit of eating icecream or whatever after i have gone to bed and hiding the containers down the side of the couch thinking he will dispose of them later but he never does... so i took one and put it inside his pillow. hahahahaha

Also on this date Wednesday, May 29, 2024...