International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2024 is on Wednesday, May 29, 2024: How many troops not based in the United States?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 is International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2024.

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How many troops not based in the United States?

The presense of US troops overseas is more often a stabilizing factor in the world. Just like having UN peacekeepers someplace. There are reasons we are in those places and other reasons why we are scaling back in others. For example, we are increasing presense in Africa and decreasing presense in Germany. We are not needed anymore in Germany, but provide medical, stability, training, and commerce support for developing nations. Unlike the Peace Corps, we have the ability to do more in places that dangerous. Iraq is not the only thing we do in the world. Look at what we do duing disasters... we do that kind of thing all the time. My six months in Africa were spent building schools, wells, and roads in East Africa. We often go to provide medical support in South America.

Overall, we do more for peace then we do for war, you just don't read about it in the media because its not sexy enough.

Also, as for saving money, how much does Iraq cost a day... compare that to what would happen if conflict broke out in many of the places we are a stabilizing factor. Money would be not as big a concern as the deaths of civilians and the cost of policing up after the conflict starts instead of being forward deployed to prevent it in the first place.

I am sure you are familiar with the instruments of national power. The military is one of the four. Any one of the four is no good by itself. It wasnt Jimmy Carter alone that convinced the President of Hati to allow peacekeepers... it was a combination of what Jimmy Carter said with the added effect of Colin Powell standing next to him. Diplomacy, Information, and Economic Aid do not have much effect without the security provided by the Military (the four just in case you don't know them), just as military presense has only limited effect without the other three's support.

As for those troops, yes we are in 130 countries. Some of those missions are big like Iraq and Kosovo. Others are small, like the training of the East African nation's Coast Guards to prevent piracy and slave trade. Those training missions may only be 20 people.

Did Israel Start 1967 Six-Day War When they Bombed Egypt’s Warplanes Sitting on the Ground Without

Did Israel Start 1967 Six-Day War When they Bombed Egypt's Warplanes Sitting on the Ground Without Warning?


In 1967, the Arab nations surrounding Israel ordered UN Peacekeepers to leave the border areas. They called up their armies and enforced a boycott on shipping going to Israel, which did not have a port.

What the Arab nations didn't count on is Israel striking first. Israel knew that a war was coming and before the Arabs could strike, it launched a surprise attack. Israel's defense forces first took out the Egyptian and Syrian air forces, giving its planes operational air control over the entire theater of operations.

As much as you would like to play it as a sucker punch by Israel, it wasn't. When you threaten another nation with war, don't be surprised if they strike first.

Further, I don't doubt that war crimes happened on both sides of the conflict. There are few wars where war crimes do not occur. In World War II, for instance, a number of German troops were shot trying to surrender. And, while this doesn't make it right, it does point out a fact of war. When you have enemies that truly hate each other, such as the Americans and Germans or Jews and Arabs, you will have war crimes on BOTH sides. It is just a fact of war.

If religious peacekeepers at the U.N

If religious peacekeepers at the U.N. owned financial stock in war weapons would it be a conflict of interest?

You are incorrect in assuming the UN is not a religious organization.

When it was instituted after WW2 the Pope of the day announced the UN to be "Gods instrument for the Kingdom on Earth.". Pope Pius X11 gave his blessing to the new arrangement and at the time, the UN was heralded as a Christian organization.

That stance has changed since member nations of non-christian faith have joined.

The UN has failed dismally in its time to solve even ONE conflict that has come up in the last 65 years. All it does is be the charity and support arm to help civilians who have been involved in political and religious wars and conflicts . . . it has done nothing to prevent or negotiate away from the horrid death toll

nor remove and stop deadly dictators and thieves from ruling in violence and murder.

Korea - Vietnam - Falklands - Middle East - Israel - Mugabe - Pol Pot - Amin - (the list goes on)

Also on this date Wednesday, May 29, 2024...