Lung Health Day 2024 is on Sunday, October 27, 2024: which exercise shall i do to improve my lungs health ?

Sunday, October 27, 2024 is Lung Health Day 2024.

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which exercise shall i do to improve my lungs health ?

Breathe deeply. Be sure to practice deep breathing in order to maximize your lung capacity and take in more air with each breath.

Exhale completely. Don't let any air linger in your lungs. This allows you to inhale more air on the next breath.

Allow your diaphragm to descend by keeping your abdominal muscles relaxed. Your abdomen will expand as your diaphragm descends, making more room around your lungs, and allowing them to fill with air.

Widen your arms, holding them farther away from your body, to help open up your chest.

Inhale for two counts, and exhale for three counts. Maintain this ratio consistently.

Create resistance.

Breathe in normally through your nose. Take deep breaths.

Breathe out through your mouth with your lips still close together. Open them just slightly so a little bit of air can get out, and with resistance. Try and do this as often as possible. It makes the sacs in your lungs more used to having to hold air longer, stretching them out. Another way of accomplishing this would be to blow up balloons.

Breathe in more than your brain thinks you can.

For eight counts, breathe until your lungs are totally full.

For the next eight to sixteen counts, take small sips of air. Feel your belly expanding. You shouldn't feel your shoulders moving.

Hold your breath for a few seconds and release forcefully.

After you feel "empty," make a "tssssss" sound for as long as possible. (This is called tizzling, and it mimics the resistance of playing a wind instrument.)

Exercise in water.

Develop a normal stretching and weight lifting routine out of the water. Make sure that you compensate for the fact that weights will feel lighter when you have the water around you. Practice this routine for a few days until you are comfortable with everything.

Take it to the water. Submerge yourself up to your neck, and do the exercises while in the water. This may not seem like it is doing anything to help you at all, but don't worry. Due to the blood shifting into your chest cavity and the compression on your body, you will have to take shorter, quicker breaths when exercising in the water. Research shows that your air capacity will be cut by up to 75% during this time, and your body will try to compensate for that. If your exercise in the water lasts long enough, and you do it regularly, your respiratory system will become more efficient, increasing your lung capacity.

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good luck and God bless you

strengthening the lungs?

strengthening the lungs?

you need to exercise your lungs,get you a exerciser from the health section of the drug store or order one and exercise your lungs a few times a day,by blowing into and with drawing air and holding it,it has a gage to go by.

Lung and health concern?

Lung and health concern?

You should be wearing a dust mask, at least. If you are moving stuff around, you should be wearing a very substantial mask or a respirator.

There is always potential harm in breathing in crap. Remember the people who worked at the WTC site.

You might want to have a chest x-ray at some point. Meanwhile keep the crap out of your lungs.

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