Clerihew Day 2025 is on Thursday, July 10, 2025: Would you care for a few more Clerihews?

Thursday, July 10, 2025 is Clerihew Day 2025. To Edmund Clerihew Bentley Edmund Clerihew Bentley

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Would you care for a few more Clerihews?

Ad infinitum! Clerihew!

Whimsical MAEH rules the day :)

Bravo! Encore!

EDIT: Thank you. You are kind, my friend :)

i need an clerihew poem?

i need an clerihew poem?

The most famous are by E. C. Bentley

George the Third

Ought never to have occurred.

One can only wonder

At so grotesque a blunder.

Said Christopher Wren,

"I am going to dine with some men.

If anyone calls,

Say I am designing Saint Paul's."

W. H. Auden has written some good ones:

Whenever Xantippe

Wasn't feeling too chippy,

She would bawl at Socrates,

"Why aren't you Hippocrates?"

William Blake

Found Newton hard to take

And was not enormously taken

With Sir Francis Bacon.

Sir Robert Liston

Used a saw like a piston;

He was that elated

When he amputated.

They are very easy to write

Barak Obama

Called for his Mama

When he heard the execs

Wrote themselves checks.

Tupak Shakur

Died rich, not poor;

His songs lived on

After he was gone.

Hey i need help on my assignment on L

Hey i need help on my assignment on L.A for a clerihew poem it due may 15 so i only have 3 days left HELP!!!!!

you should sorta put more details on here because to me it justs saying you need help but what do you need help with? besides a poem

Also on this date Thursday, July 10, 2025...