Boy Scout Anniversary Day 2025 is on Saturday, February 8, 2025: what's the deal with obama's 911 service day thing?

Saturday, February 8, 2025 is Boy Scout Anniversary Day 2025.

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what’s the deal with obama’s 9/11 service day thing?

Did you hear about the group of people who call themselves, "New York Says Thank You?" They're New Yorkers who benefited from the help people from all over the U.S. volunteered in the hours and days after the 9/11 tragedy. Now, these guys show up in a different location every anniversary of 9/11 to help people who have suffered some kind of hardship or tragedy. This year they showed up at the boy scout camp that was destroyed by tornados last year. Four scouts were killed in the storm. The New Yorkers showed up and helped rebuild the camp's chapel in memory of the deceased scouts. They don't have to do this, but they are so grateful for the help they received on 9/11, they want the rest of the country to know. They certainly set a good example for the rest of us!

So, what, exactly are you mad about?

am i a bad person if i forgot the anniversary of my husbands death?

am i a bad person if i forgot the anniversary of my husbands death?

Of course not. I am sure your husband would be (is) more than happy for you not to relive that pain every year. I intentionally do not know the date my older brother died of Leukemia or the date my Dad died of heart failure. These dates are not good, and I feel certain that they would not want me to observe those dates.

This is the same reason I absolutely do not want a grave when I die. I don't want anyone attaching a date or a place or anything else to my corpse. Just remember your husband at random intervals, remember the good things, not the day he died, and you will have honored his memory more than anything linked to the day he died.

Social events at work? Help!?

Social events at work? Help!?

Employees and people in general like the Government holidays.

And there are other disignated events for certain months, such as,

January is National Book Month and national Thank You Month

February is National Heart Month and Black History Month

Feb 2 is Groundhog Day

Feb 3 is Chinese New Year - Year of the Rabbit

Feb 6 is Superbowl Sunday

Feb 8 is National Boy Scout Day - 101st Anniversary

Feb 12 is Lincoln's Birthday

Feb 14 is Valentine's Day

Feb 15 is Susan B. Anthony Day - Women's Rights Movement

Feb 15 is also Buddhist - Nirvana Day

Feb 21 National Holiday - President's Day

Feb 21 Family Day in Canada

Feb 22 Washington's Birthday

Feb 27 Academy Awards

For a list of event and holidays for the rest of the months of 2011 use the website below.

Since there are so many federal holidays, and retailers are stocking more and more specialized decorations, you can easily find decorations to match the event in stores.

Also on this date Saturday, February 8, 2025...