Ashura Day 2024 is on Sunday, November 3, 2024: Ramadan: What is the day of Ashura actually about?

Sunday, November 3, 2024 is Ashura Day 2024.

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Ramadan: What is the day of Ashura actually about?

Many many many many many events took place on Ashura such as the defeat of firaun and it was also the day when Nuh alayhis salam gathered people in his Ark ...

i have forgotten .. but my sis told me all about this .. but the main reason why the prophet observed Ashura was to pay respect to Musa Alayhis salam by ordering muslims to fast

Shias - Did the Prophet salalahu alayhe wassalam ever do matam? Did he mourn the death of Al Husayn radhiallahu anhu? HELL NO he was alive back then .. so why have u ppl added such a huge action to your beliefs .. its an innovation which was never practised by the Prophet. How about u get yr facts straight and then do the barking


the creation of Adam and Hawwa (alayhis salam), life and death, heaven and hell, the saving of Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salam from the fire, the reuniting of Prophet Yaqub alayhis salam and Prophet Yousuf Alayhis salam and the deliverance of Prophet Musa alayhis salam and his people from Pharaoh’s tyranny. Prophet Muhammad Salalahu Alayhi Wassalam commanded that the day of Ashura be observed by Muslims with a day-long fast. Although this was eventually superseded by the month-long fast of Ramadan, the Prophet continued to fast on Ashura, and recommended that Muslims do so, praying that God will forgive the sins of those who do.

When is the day of Ashura?

When is the day of Ashura?

Ashura is on January 6th, 2009

why shias torture themselves on ashura day.?

why shias torture themselves on ashura day.?

they are greiving about the death of mohammed's grandson. it was long ago. some cities are like carnivals. it varies from place to place. boy, that day on the news was a bloody mess!

Also on this date Sunday, November 3, 2024...