World Hepatitis Day 2024 is on Sunday, July 28, 2024: What the odds of drinking after someone who has hepatitis?

Sunday, July 28, 2024 is World Hepatitis Day 2024.

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What the odds of drinking after someone who has hepatitis?

Hepatitis is pretty uncommon in America or any non 3rd world country today. Even if you did drink a cup that a hepatitis positive person drank from, the chances of getting it are less than more.

If you are really worried though, yes you can get tested.

Hepatitis A is not a serious disease at all. It is like a cold or stomach virus in terms of severity. You get it once, you never have to worry about getting it again much the way chickenpox is like. I've had hepatitis A before and it is nothing more than a moderate stomach ache and fever for a couple of days.

Hepatitis B is a very serious disease. It can kill you and there is no known ultimate cure to the disease much like AIDS. It is mostly transmitted in unprotected sex. Drinking from a cup is far less likely to cause it although it technically can. If you know the person who had hepatitis B drank from the cup before you, then get tested to make sure.

Hepatitis C is extremely rare but also extremely serious if you get it, you are certain to die. It is a level 4 biosecurity agent classified along with things like Ebola, VEEpox, Hanta, Antibiotic resistant Plague, etc... If there was even 1 case of hepatitis C today, it would be on the news.

what is the theme for this year world hepatitis day?

what is the theme for this year world hepatitis day?

The only info I can find online is outdated info for 2006;

How many cases of viral hepatitis are reported each year worldwide?

How many cases of viral hepatitis are reported each year worldwide?

Every year world wide 10 million are registered cases.

In U.S, about 3000/day are reported.

Also on this date Sunday, July 28, 2024...