Virus Appreciation Day 2024 is on Thursday, October 3, 2024: What are some holidays in october besides halloween?

Thursday, October 3, 2024 is Virus Appreciation Day 2024. deviantART: More Like ELECtrify by ArtOfAProcrastinator Virus Appreciation Day :D by

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Virus Appreciation Day

Infections – whether individuals which affect living microorganisms, or computer infections – are clever small things. Sure, they’re annoying, and it is frustrating that even wonderful our protective measures, we get infected. Virus Appreciation Day is the opportunity to consider infections philosophically, and also to take the time to think about how sophisticated, amazing and important infections are!

What are some holidays in october besides halloween?

Holidays for Each Day of October:

1 World Vegetarian Day

2 National Custodial Worker Day

2 Name Your Car Day

3 Techies Day

3 Virus Appreciation Day

4 National Golf Day

4 National Frappe Day

5 Do Something Nice Day

5 World Teacher's Day

6 Come and Take it Day

6 Mad Hatter Day

6 International Frugal Fun Day - first Saturday of the month

6 Physician Assistant Day

7 Bald and Free Day

7 Oktoberfest in Germany ends, date varies

7 World Smile Day

8 American Touch Tag Day

8 Columbus Day - second Monday of month

9 Curious Events Day

9 Fire Prevention Day

9 Leif Erikson Day

9 Moldy Cheese Day

10 National Angel Food Cake Day

11 It's My Party Day

11 Take Your Teddy Bear to Work Day

12 Cookbook Launch Day

12 Old Farmer's Day

12 Moment of Frustration Day

12 Emergency Nurses Day

13 International Newspaper Carrier Day -date varies each year

13 International Skeptics Day

13 World Egg Day

14 Be Bald and Free Day

14 National Dessert Day - take an extra helping

15 Cane Safety Day

16 Bosses Day

16 Dictionary Day

17 Wear Something Gaudy Day

18 No Beard Day

19 Evaluate Your Life Day

20 Brandied Fruit Day

21 Babbling Day

21 Count Your Buttons Day

21 National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day

22 National Nut Day

21 Sweetest Day Third Saturday of month

23 National Mole Day

23 Tv Talk Show Host Day

24 United Nations Day

National Bologna Day

25 Punk for a Day Day

25 World Pasta Day

26 Mule Day

27 Make a Difference Day- fourth Saturday of the month, an opportunity for neighbors to help neighbors.

27 National Tell a Story Day - in Scotland and the U.K.

27 Navy Day

28 Plush Animal Lover's Day

29 Hermit Day

28 Mother-In-Law Day - fourth Sunday in October

29 National Frankenstein Day

30 National Candy Corn Day

30 Mischief Night

31 Carve a Pumpkin Day - no surprise here

31 Halloween

31 Increase Your Psychic Powers Day

Do you know of any funny holidays?

Do you know of any funny holidays?

There is a bizarre "holiday" for every day of the year. Here are just a few examples:

January 28th - National Kazoo Day (a celebration of that most comedic of musical instruments)

February 20th - Hoodie Doo Day (at noon, everybody says "Hoodie Doo" to chase away winter)

March 27th - National Joe Day (on this day, everybody who hates their name has the right to be called "Joe")

April 6th - Sorry Charlie Day (a national day for everybody who has been rejected and lived through it)

May 3rd - Lumpy Rug Day (the day when you're supposed to get the lumps out of your rugs)

June 4th - Old Maid's Day (in celebration of never-married women over the age of 50)

July 14th - National Nude Day (I think you have an idea of what this one's about)

August 18th - Bad Poetry Day (on this day, you get to regale everybody with bad poetry and they're not supposed to make fun of it, frown, throw up, that sort of thing)

September 28th - Ask A Stupid Question Day (along the lines of Bad Poetry Day, you get to ask stupid questions and nobody is supposed to think the worse of you for it)

October 3rd - Virus Appreciation Day (presumably limited to those who appreciate viruses; not widely celebrated)

November 12th - National Pizza With The Works But Hold the Anchovies Day (seriously)

December 16th - National Chocolate Covered Anything Day (for all chocolate lovers, and who doesn't love chocolate?! Widely celebrated).

Do you know of any funny days eg. bubble wrap appreciation day or hug a ninja day?

Do you know of any funny days eg. bubble wrap appreciation day or hug a ninja day?

yes.... it's like "free best answers day" or "my windows free of virus day"

Also on this date Thursday, October 3, 2024...