Smart is Cool Day 2024 is on Tuesday, October 22, 2024: How to dress Smarter?

Tuesday, October 22, 2024 is Smart is Cool Day 2024. Mother's Day Special: Kelly Yang The weird thing is my mom has

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How to dress Smarter?

Here some steps to dress smarter. The easiest way to sum up this look is clean cut, and classy. Dressing smart is not dressing like a geek, nerd, or prep


-avoid wearing glasses unless you NEED them

-do not where lots of jewelery

-do not have a lot of tattoos

-do not have a lot of piercings

-Avoid wearing brand names like Aero, Ambercrombie, Izod(ew), etc

-avoid wearing heavy cologne

-avoid mixing too many scents

-do not forget to wear deodorant and shower every day to every other day

-do not look like a clone


-A nice pair of SUNglasses will keep your eyes protected and avoid damage not to mention looking cool

-If you want to where jewelery go for minimum like a chain or necklace, a watch (though that's not really jewelery), a man bracelet(lol), etc

-Keep tattoos and piercings to a minimum unless you are going for a different look other than a "smart look"

-Where good quality clothes without breaking the bank by shopping at places like target or thrift stores in which thrift stores can have some random cool junk to help personalize your look

-For a scent try to stay neutral and stick to one-two scents like using an unscented or clean scent. Then use a good cologne/aftershave. I personally like

-Shower daily and wear deodorant every morning

-customize/personalize your look with belts, pins, hair style, scent, signature style Example: loose tie and slightly unbuttoned shirt(very sexy)


-Make sure everything is comfortable and not too TIGHT or loose. Lol.

-Plain t-shirts that fit comfy on summer days are great. Avoid wide shirts, things with logos and collars.

-Long jean shorts that aren't baggy would be good to wear in the summer

-Waist length trench coats and pea coats are great for winter

-sweaters are PERFECT. Especially if they are NOT bulky, fuzzy, frizzy, and too loose. You can do the same with long sleeved shirts

-Avoid skulls, blood, things with peoples logos, brandnames and faces. Too many band tees.

-Jeans that fit nicely meaning regular old jeans. No skinnies, bootcuts, high rise, low rise, anything baggy, etc

-Suits are great for a smart look. Avoid white, tan/beige, and browns. Good shades are black and deep/navy blue.

-Mens dress shirts with a few buttons unbuttoned and a loosened tie gives you that look but very sexy. :-* This picture has a smart look and a GREAT hairstyle. Perfectly what image you are going for:

-Shoes: Converse and dress shoes. AVOID: skater shoes, and sneakers (other than converse) Designed/colored converse are a great spin to this look. Or any look in general lol.






-To look your best and feel your best exercise for one hour daily with a nice cool down. Keep a good pace and don't kill yourself or be too easy either

-Drink LOTS of water and adding a teaspoon of pure lemon juice or a slice of lemon will detox you body and speed your metabolism.

-Stay away from fat ESPECIALLY trans fat and saturated fat. That stuff will kill you. Stay away from anything breaded, fried, or greasy. If you eat out get a salad and water or sandwich. Stay away from beef or get the leanest part of beef possible. Don't eat too many packaged or processed foods like anything bagged, canned, frozen, boxed, or packaged.

-For your skin do not touch it too much, don't try to push in on acne unless there is a white head and do not push too hard to avoid scarring, if possible put tissue around your finger tips or use q-tips to avoid scarring and further irritation. Use a gentle cleanser at night and in the morning. Do not mix products that have benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. And be very very gentle.

-Shave your face with your facial cleanser and try to find a razor with two blades and go gently with the growth of the hair before going against it.

-Clean up your eyebrows by plucking but don't make them too thin ot arched because they will look too feminine.

-For your hair trim it short but not shaved or buzzed, I recommend having a friend or a girlfriend do it ;-D but until someone can I would suggest printing these out and showing it to a hair stylist:

1) That one has a good length but a bad style. So tell her/him that length not style if you like it

2) maybe a lil bit longer than this and not as spiked but more just running your fingers up through

3) This is a great hairstyle

Okay so good luck! And stay true to

Ok,this is the coolest debate---Hard Work or Smart work?

Ok,this is the coolest debate---Hard Work or Smart work?

Always smart work. You can work hard all day and accomplish nothing! Work smart and you usually work less because you've made wise decisions the first time around. Smart work also means you are able to think outside the box!

how to be cool,smart,beautiful?

how to be cool,smart,beautiful?

How to be cool smart and beautiful and normal. Well there isnt any special medicine that you could take but what you could do is work on those things. Such as for being cool just go with the flow dont throw yourself at people that seems too desperate make small talk and loosen it up that automatically makes you cool. Smart study hard read books. And when people talk listen and if they say a word that you havent heard before then ask them what it means. That gives you a wider vocabulary and makes you more available to more groups. And for beautiful just be comfortable in your own skin, people will get the vibe that you are ok the way you are and except you no matter what. And for the first day of school if you are trying to meet new people or anywhere really ask what they are intrested in they will respond positvely.

Also on this date Tuesday, October 22, 2024...