Individual Rights Day 2024 is on Thursday, August 29, 2024: 20-30 pounds in 44 days?!?

Thursday, August 29, 2024 is Individual Rights Day 2024. Bill of Rights Day Bill of Rights Day

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20-30 pounds in 44 days?!?

If you are an extremely disciplined individual, you could try the master cleanse. It is hard, & sometimes painful but it does offer results. This is not a "diet". It is a natural way of cleansing your body of all the excess toxins we all carry around in us. It is like a colon cleanse although alot less expensive & not to mention, alot easier to handle. In about 14-20 days, the average person sheds between 14-35 lbs but you must follow the program exactly. Alot of people who follow this regimine atleast twice per year also get sick alot less often, & have more energy. Some celebrity followers include David Blaine, Beyonce (who lost 30 lbs for the Dream girls role using this) & Robin Quivers from the Howard Stern Show:

What you will need are:

Fresh lemons (not bottled lemon juice & the lemons should preferably be organic)

several gallons of distilled water

cayenne pepper

geuine ORGANIC maple syrup grade B (do NOT use the regular sugar laden syrups here).

sea salt

natural herbal tea (decaffeinated)

What you do is replace every meal with a lemon drink substitute for ATLEAST 14 DAYS. Thats right, you will not eat any solid foot for atleast 2 weeks...but you will not starve as you will get sufficient calories from the drink. I drink the mixture between 6 -8 times per day when Im on the cleanse. The drink is actually not disgusting & after about 4 days you will find yourself craving it. The first four days are almost always the hardest. You may be tired, hungry, & irratable but this is just part of the detox.You may experience headaches if you normally drink alot of caffeine. At around the 5th day these side effects subside & you will have a tremendous amount of energy.You can find the directions for the drink here.

Now here comes the unpleasant part. Atleast an hour or two before bed, drink the tea. This helps break up some of the hardened "waste" in your system. I must warn you that you will need to get up to use the restroom atleast 3 or 4 times during the night. I have a very sensitive stomach & found the tea to cause horrible cramping so I skipped this & instead used the salt water flush. You can choose to use one or both while on your cleanse.

For the salt water flush, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of pure sea salt (found in the same aisle as regular salt) to about a quart of WARM distilled water. This drink is gross but it works. You need to be able to taste the salt. I usually put in 3 tsp as opposed to the 2. You need to drink this as fast as you can. I usually do this before bed & again first thing in the morning.(I warn you though do not do this in the morning unless you dont have to be somewhere for atleast 2 hours. If school/work begins at 7, get up at 5 & drink the drink) This mixture will help flush out excess water weight. You shouldnt cramp & the expulsions will not be painful. To say this as tactfully as possible, you will basically be excreting soup. (I told you this was unpleasant but like they say no pain no gain)

You are encouraged to exercise while on the cleanse to help aid your body in the cleansing & in the weight loss. There are literally thousands of pages online to do more reasearch on this topic as well as many message boards for people currently on the cleanse to help & to encourage one another. In the search engine of your choosing, type in "Master Cleanse" or "Lemonade Diet". This method has been around since around the 50's I believe & It does work but like I said it takes a lot of discipline & most people give up within the first 3 or 4 days. I do wish you luck though.

Some links to explore:

(a journal of one woman who did the cleanse, packed with info & tips)

Should individuals have the right to decide their death day?

Should individuals have the right to decide their death day?

People do have the right. Who is going to stop you from blowing you brains out? The problem is that causing your own death makes it very painful for the people you have left behind. It can be a very selfish act.

Is homosexuality right?

Is homosexuality right?

Is homosexuality right? No.

But it isn't wrong either. It just is. It is no more right or wrong than having red hair, or blue eyes. It simply IS.


"♀Sutch ā Cutee♥- So would other types of such as beastiality, necrophilia, hepophilia, infantphilia be right aswell?"

First I'd like to correct some things... Medically, it is not called bestiality. It is Zoophilia. Hepophilia is ephibophilia, and infantophilia is Nepiophilia. Regardless, all of those things you listed are PHILIA's. Such things do not revolve around romantic love. While it may be a love (usually more obsession) it is not romantic love (example: I love caramel ice cream, but it is not a romantic love). It is more about desire than love.

Homosexuality (as well as heterosexuality, bisexuality, and pansexuality) involves romantic love. That is the key difference between the two.


Oh I read what you had to say. But that does not change my answer. I won't even go into your view that morality is not subjective when some times, it clearly is. But fine, I shall try to put this in a way that you desire.

Since you require an answer, I will say that I think it is right. Why? It is a natural occurrence that supports the growth of social species (such as humans). It has no natural negative repercussions, but has positive effects.


"If sexual orientation was determined by genetics then all twins should be 100% homosexually equal"

I would first like to point out that monozygotic twins ("identical twins') are not truly identical at all. They do have slightly different genetics.

Ever hear of epigenetics (probably not, most people haven't)? Its the markers that turn different parts of your DNA on and off (example: Genes that work in your liver, don't work in your finger). Monozygotic twins can have nearly identical genetic sequences, but there epigenetics may be so different, that you would never know that they were twins.

These changes are caused by any number of things, and the combinations are nearly endless. More importantly, is that they start happening immediately. Meaning that even in the womb, monozygotic twins, their epigenetics are being effected. Despite sharing a womb, they receive different hormones and nutrients (which is why often one twin is larger than the other). This alone causes differences in their epigenetics.

The leading theory right now is that it is caused by what hormones they receive in the womb. Monozygotic twins WOULD be receiving different hormones, which would effect many parts of them. From their brain, down to their epigenetics.

Woo! That was a lot of typing.


And I was so hoping you'd respond to me too.


"Recent studies have shown that homosexual men are four times as likely to be alcoholics and six times as likely to commit suicide."

This is not a direct result of homosexuality, but of negative societal pressures.

" Many parents are hurt because their gay children will never produce grandchildren."

People who are heterosexual can do that same thing. And that is not NEARLY the type of 'hurt' he was talking about. Being sad about that is no where near as painful or long term as the negative effects of being raped as a child.

"homosexuals are 75% more likely to contract STD's in a lifetime,"

Actually, Lesbians are the least likely people to get and STD. Moving along, that increase in males is NOT due to homosexuality, but the lack of using protection. Homosexual males are less likely to use protection than heterosexual males due the fact that there is no risk of pregnancy.

"mental disorders occur at a much higher rate in homosexuals,"

Things such as depression do, yes. But again, this is due to negative societal pressures.

"physical injury to the body is a common problem because of the nature of certain homosexual actions."

I've never known any one who receive any sort of injury (other than one they wanted) during a sexual act. Heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. And if by "certain homosexual actions" you mean anal sex, then one must not use that as a negative example of homosexual behavior (or why homosexuality is wrong), but against anal sex. Why? Heterosexuals practice anal sex as well, with a high frequency even. It is not a homosexual act, but a sexual one. And I repeat, I've never known any one to receive any sort of injury involving it.

"They are not attracted to the gender of the animal, which is why a dog will hump a sofa, a tree, or even your leg. Animals just want the stimulation for masturbation, there is no evidence that their homosexual desires parallels the desires of humans."

If that were so, then there would not be animals that seek sexual stimulus from ONLY animals of the same gender, shunning those of the opposite. This has been a problem for breeders of some animals. Predominately in goat breeders but it has been known to happen with other species as well.

Male black swans will form life long bonds, doing all the same things that they would do if they were a heterosexual pairing. They even steal eggs from other swans and raise them. Approximately 1/3 of all black swan cygnets are raised by a male/male pairing.

Also on this date Thursday, August 29, 2024...