Dewey Decimal System Day 2024 is on Tuesday, December 10, 2024: Is there any historical person related to decimals other than Melvil Dewey?

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 is Dewey Decimal System Day 2024. How Melville Dewey Invented the Dewey Decimal System in Just One Day the Dewey Decimal System

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Is there any historical person related to decimals other than Melvil Dewey?

Decimals were not invented or in any way involved with Dewey, he used a decimal system for catalogueing books but that has no more to do with decomals than, say the points do. Here is a list of decimal advocates from Wiki, google any of them for their history:

c. 3500 - 2500 BC Elamites of Iran possibly used early forms of decimal system. [2] [3]

c. 2900 BC Egyptian hieroglyphs show counting in powers of 10 (1 million + 400,000 goats, etc.) – see Ifrah, below

c. 2600 BC Indus Valley Civilization, earliest known physical use of decimal fractions in ancient weight system: 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/2. See Ancient Indus Valley weights and measures

c. 1400 BC Chinese writers show familiarity with the concept: for example, 547 is written 'Five hundred plus four decades plus seven of days' in some manuscripts

c. 1200 BC In ancient India, the Vedic text Yajur-Veda states the powers of 10, up to 1055

c. 400 BC Pingala – develops the binary number system for Sanskrit prosody, with a clear mapping to the base-10 decimal system

c. 250 BC Archimedes writes the Sand Reckoner, which takes decimal calculation up to 1080,000,000,000,000,000

c. 100–200 The Satkhandagama written in India – earliest use of decimal logarithms

c. 476–550 Aryabhata – uses an alphabetic cipher system for numbers that used zero

c. 598–670 Brahmagupta – explains the Hindu-Arabic numerals (modern number system) which uses decimal integers, negative integers, and zero

c. 780–850 Muḥammad ibn Mūsā al-Ḵwārizmī – first to expound on algorism outside India

c. 920–980 Abu'l Hasan Ahmad ibn Ibrahim Al-Uqlidisi – earliest known direct mathematical treatment of decimal fractions.

c. 1300–1500 The Kerala School in South India – decimal floating point numbers

1548/49–1620 Simon Stevin – author of De Thiende ('the tenth')

1561–1613 Bartholemaeus Pitiscus – (possibly) decimal point notation.

1550–1617 John Napier – use of decimal logarithms as a computational tool

1925 Louis Charles Karpinski – The History of Arithmetic [1]

1959 Werner Buchholz – Fingers or Fists? (The Choice of Decimal or Binary representation)[2]

1974 Hermann Schmid – Decimal Computation[3]

2000 Georges Ifrah – The Universal History of Numbers: From Prehistory to the Invention of the Computer[4]

2003 Mike Cowlishaw – Decimal Floating-Point: Algorism for Computers[5].

what are the virgos best days????

what are the virgos best days????

Generally, any day they can rearrange the cupboards, fold all the towels the way THEY want it done, line up all the medicine in the bathroom cabinet according to size, and categorize all their DVDs by Dewey decimal system without anyone telling them how obsessive/compulsive they are.

Does anyone remember the title of a movie about people using a library to survive the end of the

Does anyone remember the title of a movie about people using a library to survive the end of the world?

It does sound like The Day After Tomorrow but the reason i guessing its not that movie is because "and it was primarily to teach kids about the dewey decimal system"

In Day after Tomorrow, they are in a library and everything flooded and then turned to ice in the storm. They did use 1 book to solve a problem dealing with a person cut on a leg. Other than that they burned the books for heat. They ran into the library to get away from the wave of water flooding the city.

If its not The Day after Tomorrow do you remember any other details?

Here is the link to Day after Tomorrow to see if that is the movie, it provides more details of the movie.

Also on this date Tuesday, December 10, 2024...