Workers' Memorial Day 2025 is on Monday, April 28, 2025: Some simple questions about Poland?

Monday, April 28, 2025 is Workers' Memorial Day 2025.

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Workers’ Memorial Day

Workers’ Memorial Day remember individuals who died at the office and to allow it to be safer for that living, and also to promote safer working conditions.This date was selected since it is the anniversary from the Work Safety and health Act in the united states and remember your day of the construction accident in Connecticut that stated 28 lives.

Some simple questions about Poland?

National Holidays:

May 1st - International Workers' Day

May 3rd - Constitution Day

November 11th - Independence Day

Other important, celebrated days (but not national free of work holidays):

August 1st - Warsaw Uprising Memorial Day (after Warsaw Uprising against Nazi 1944)

August 15th - Polish Armed Forces Day (after victory over Bolsheviks in 1920)

Food Staples:

"Wheat, rye, buckwheat, and barley" - after - you may find more about food in "3 Food of the Poles"


Poland lies in the transitional climate zone between the moderate oceanic climate in the west and a moderate continental climate in the east. Average temperature in summer ranges between 61° F and 68° F (but for few days temperature might be even as high as 96-100° F) . In winter - between 21 ° F and 32 ° F (again, temperatures may drop well below -4 ° F).

Natural hazards: floods caused by melting snow from mountains.

I’ve been looking for ’Days’ that are celebrated in the UK that are unusual?

I've been looking for 'Days' that are celebrated in the UK that are unusual?

Some of these days apply to other countries but they are listed on my calender and some are v.interesting. Hope they help!

21 Jan - Martin Luther King Jr. day

27 Jan - Holocaust memorial day

28 Jan - Australia day

2 Feb - Groundhog day

18 Feb - Family day + Presidents day

21 Feb - Chinese lantern festival

22 Feb - Washington's b'day

1 Mar - St David's day

3 Mar - Labour day

8 Mar - International women's day

17 Mar - St. Patrick's day

20 Mar - International speakers of french day

4 Apr - Day of trees

22 Apr - Earth day

23 Apr - St Georges day

1 May - International worker's day

5 May - Children's day

9 May - Europe day

8 June - Chinese dragon boat festival

14 June - Flag day

23 June - Discovery day

24 June - St John the baptist day

1 July - Canada day

14 Sep - Chinese autumn festival

22 Oct - National apple day

22 Oct - Sun 28 - National friends week

24 Oct - United Nations day

13 Nov - National kindness day

Why does the US celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September?

Why does the US celebrate Labor Day on the first Monday of September?

May 1 as Labor Day - 'The date originated in the American trade-union movement. In the United States, labor agreements were dated starting May 1. For three years, from 1885 to 1888, American labor unions went on strike on that date in an effort to establish the right to an 8-hour workday. The idea spread internationally, and the date is now a national holiday in France, England, Russia, and elsewhere. Meanwhile, in the United States, the national workers' day was moved to the first Monday in September, and is called Labor Day.' 'May Day, the international workers' day, and the American Labor Day are traditionally marked by parades with slightly militant overtones and festive public parties and picnics that owe something to older spring and harvest celebrations. At one time May 1 was a day of mass demonstrations, speeches, and political activism; in the old Soviet Union it was the great national holiday, with immense military displays.' That is why the American holiday was moved, to distance it from the Soviet holiday. I don't know whether it was moved by suggestion of the American labor movement itself or by the American government alone. I've always thought that it sucks that we don't get May Day, but I realized a few years ago that our Memorial Day at the end of May serves the same purpose, and this way we get a holiday (for some) in September that we would not have otherwise.

Also on this date Monday, April 28, 2025...