Ugliest Dog Day 2024 is on Thursday, June 20, 2024: POLL: Whos having an UGLY DAY?

Thursday, June 20, 2024 is Ugliest Dog Day 2024. Dogs: Nature can go wrong ugliest dog in the world 05 in

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POLL: Whos having an UGLY DAY?

You look alright to me, for a dog, (don't mean that in a nasty way, just joking).

My day is early to say as my Football team Sunderland are playing at the moment and the result of this will greatly affect the rest of my day.

Sunderland just won in the last minute with a hehe ex newcatle player getting the winner in the last minute so i'm...


Hope you feel better about yourself soon.

Why do Chinese Crested dogs always seem to win the Ugliest Dog contest these days?

Why do Chinese Crested dogs always seem to win the Ugliest Dog contest these days?

Nope you are correct. Cresteds have pretty much cornered the market on ugly!

Why do dogs get so attached?

Why do dogs get so attached?

Some dogs are more prone to this than others, but its not healthy. What would happen if you had to go into hospital, for example? Its a good idea to train your dogs to be left alone, and to feel ok about being handled by someone you trust. That way if theres ever an emergency you could worry less about your dogs.

You could look at treatment plans for separation anxiety. They basically involve ignoring your dog while you are there, and gradually moving away.

Basically, you have to train him to feel secure about being left alone. It's a gradual process involving 3 steps; First, teach him to lie on a bed in the same room. Second; teach him to be ignored for short periods of time. Third; leave him for short periods.

Step one;

Put a bed near your feet when you relax in the evening make him lie in the bed. Settle him with a chew and give him a command to settle in bed.

Over the next few weeks gradually inch the bed away until it is at the other end of the room.

When you are in other rooms use a mat for the same purpose. Don't let him sit on your feet. Its fine if he has to be able to see you.

Step Two;

Buy a big ugly brass ornament or something similar thats chew proof. Charity shops and car boot sales are ideal for this. Keep it hidden in a handy cupboard. Now give him the command to settle and a chew. Get out the ornament and place it in front of his bed. And ignore him. Do this for 30 seconds. Don't even look at him; he is invisible. There is no dog in the room. If he gets up and moves around, ignore him.

Now put the ornament away and notice him again. Repeat frequently, for times ranging from 20 seconds to 2 minutes.

Over 2 weeks increase the length of time from 20 seconds to 5 or 10 minutes. Start to stand up and sit down, but don't leave him.

Gradually work on increasing the time and then start to walk to the door of the room.

Step 3;

Start to leave him. Put the ornament out of sight for now. Start by walking out the room when he is settled in bed then walk straight back in again. Walk to the front door and back.

Gradually build up to putting your coat on and opening the front door.

Eventually you should be able to step out the door and turn around and come straight back in without him panicking.

When you reach that point, leave the ornament out and continue the process.

When you go out totally, make sure he has had a good 40 minute walk first. Leave him with the radio on and a chewstick. Use a child safety gate to confine him to the kitchen. Don't make a big fuss when you leave, and be a bit cool when you return.

Just calmly put him on the lead and take him straight to his toilet.

Also on this date Thursday, June 20, 2024...