Sweet Potato Awareness Month on November, 2024: Process of firing Congress men and women?

November, 2024 is Sweet Potato Awareness Month 2024. Sweet Potato Month Clip Art - Sweet Potato Month sweet potato row with Sweet

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Process of firing Congress men and women?

The quickest and most efficient way is to defeat them at the ballot box. No appeals, no stays of execution, no wiggle room. Vote them out.

Environmentalists would you go this far to ease global climate change?

Environmentalists would you go this far to ease global climate change?

O ya, that is great advice actually, now I have another good reason for eating better, not only is it more healthy for me it is more healthy for the environment. Starting today I will try to live by this simple rule. Four cups of milk and four servings of meat per week- starting right NOW!

What the article is saying is if subsidies for meat and milk were limited or ended then consumers had to pay a cost on those items that were reflective of the ACTUAL cost then people would ration themselves.

What the questioner is asking is if Environmentalists would be willing to self limit meat and milk consumption in order to aid conservation of the world's resources.

And you have my oath, I will keep it. 4 and 4 per week.

That's it nothing else-

Also on this date Friday, November 1, 2024...