Strike Out Strokes Month on May, 2025: What does stroked refer to in these sentences?
May, 2025 is Strike Out Strokes Month 2025. May is National Stroke Awareness Month - New York Presbyterian ... Strike Out Stroke event on
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Your difficulty comes from the fact that you've looked up the NOUN "stroke", when the sentences all use the VERB. The verb "to stroke" ALWAYS means moving your hand gently across a surface. The verb that matches the "hitting" meaning is not "to stroke", but "to strike".
Obviously nobody is "striking" the snake; the use of the word "tentative" tells ou all you need to know.
The person who said "caress" is wrong was wrong himself. If it had been the other meaning, the sentences would read "they could tentatively strike Old Tom ... Dad's ability to strike it"; and the other sentence, "Girl snakes don't like being struck".
Does lightning strike randomly or on tall or short objects?
The discharge
When sufficient negative and positive charges gather, and when the electric field becomes sufficiently strong, an electrical discharge (the bolt of lightning) occurs within clouds or between clouds and the ground. During the strike, successive portions of air become conductive as the electrons and positive ions of air molecules are pulled away from each other and forced to flow in opposite directions.
A theory proposed by Alex Gurevich of the Lebedev Physical Institute in 1992 suggests that lightning strikes are triggered by cosmic rays which ionize atoms, releasing electrons that are accelerated by the electric fields, ionizing other air molecules and making the air conductive by a runaway breakdown, then starting a lightning strike.[citation needed]
As the cloud progresses over the Earth's surface, an equal but opposite charge is induced in the Earth below, and the induced ground charge follows the movement of the cloud. When a step leader approaches the ground, the presence of opposite charges on the ground enhance the electric field. The electric field is highest on trees and tall buildings. If the electric field is strong enough, a conductive discharge (called a positive streamer) can develop from these points. This was first theorized by Heinz Kasemir. As the field increases, the positive streamer may evolve into a hotter, higher current leader which eventually connects to the descending stepped leader from the cloud. It is also possible for many streamers to develop from many different objects simultaneously, with only one connecting with the leader and forming the main discharge path. Photographs have been taken on which non-connected streamers are clearly visible. When the two leaders meet, the electric current greatly increases. The region of high current propagates back up the positive stepped leader into the cloud with a "return stroke" that is the most luminous part of the lightning discharge. Lightning can also occur within the ash clouds from volcanic eruptions,[7][8] or can be caused by violent forest fires which generate sufficient dust to create a static charge.
It has been seen using "stop action" movies of lightning strikes that most lightning strikes consist of several (up to 12) separate discharges of different intensities, causing the "flickering" effect commonly seen during a lightning discharge. Each successive stroke re-uses the heated path taken by the previous stroke. The electrical discharge rapidly superheats the leader channel, causing the air to expand rapidly and produce a shock wave heard as thunder. The rolling and gradually dissipating rumble is caused by the heating and cooling of the discharge channel, by successive lightning strokes, and the time delay of sound coming from different portions of a long stroke. The variations in successive discharges are the result of smaller regions of charge within the cloud being depleted by successive strokes.[citation needed]
LightningAn average bolt of negative lightning carries a current of 30-to-50 kiloamperes (kA), although some bolts can be up to 120kA, and transfers a charge of 5 coulombs and 500 megajoules (enough to light a 100 watt light bulb for 2 months). However, it has been observed from experiments that different locations in the US have different potentials (voltages) and currents, in an average lightning strike for that area. For example, Florida, with the largest number of recorded strikes in a given period, has a very sandy ground saturated with salt water, and is surrounded by water. California, on the other hand, has fewer lightning strikes (being dryer). Arizona, which has very dry, sandy soil and a very dry air, has cloud bases as high as 6,000-7,000 feet above ground level, and gets very long, thin, purplish discharges, which crackle; while Oklahoma, with cloud bases about 1,500-2,000 feet above ground level and fairly soft, clay-rich soil, has big, blue-white explosive lightning strikes, that are very hot (high current) and cause sudden, explosive noise when the discharge comes. Potentially, the difference in each case may consist of differences in voltage levels between clouds and ground. Research on this is still ongoing
is this a symptom of a stroke? if not, what is it then?
It sounds more like something pressing on a nerve than a stroke, but it is important for you to see your doctor.
The trigemminal nerve is in this area and one branch, the facial nerve, goes to the tongue.
For it to be transient and as it happens when you play sport it could be one explanation. You are very young to have a TIA although a mini stroke can happen to anyone.
You must see your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
We can only guess.