St. Jude's Day 2024 is on Monday, October 28, 2024: How much do neurosurgeons at St. Jude's Children Research Hospital get paid?

Monday, October 28, 2024 is St. Jude's Day 2024. St Jude's Day storm 'to cost insurers £500 million' - Telegraph St Jude's Day storm 'to cost

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How much do neurosurgeons at St. Jude’s Children Research Hospital get paid?

A LOT. But keep in mind they have trained for probably 13-16 or more years AFTER graduating from high school. My husband is a surgeon and he trained for 13 more years after he graduated from high school. It takes a very long time to become a pediatric neurosurgeon.

And then of course the hours are not very conducive to having a lot of family time if you are married and have kids. But the rewards would be great in knowing you are helping sick children.

So with Obama care, Obama and others like him would like to see doctors working for nothing. They think that doctors should not get paid because the patients are sick and shouldn't have to pay for their care. This really infuriates me because of all the training and sacrifice doctors have made to become a doctor. If Obama care becomes the norm in this country, fewer and fewer people are going to want to become a doctor. Would you want to train for 15 more years and not get paid for your work?

I would stay very informed about what is happening in the medical world as you consider being a doctor. It is a fabulous profession, but no one wants to work for nothing. What if Obama said that lawyers could only make $50,000 per year. (that may sound like a lot, but most good lawyers make over a $100,000 up to the millions per year) They would have a fit. Well, that is what Obama basically wants to do with doctors, limit how much they can make, no matter that they trained for more years than probably any other profession. Lawyers only go to school for about 3 years. (my son is a lawyer) And lives are in the hands of the surgeons every day and they have to pay thousands of dollars per year in malpractice insurance because everyone wants to sue their doctor.

Sorry for ranting about this, but it is sad that doctors do not get the respect that they did in years past. Most people in this country could not do what it takes to become a doctor. They are not smart enough, nor do they have the patience to go to school and train for approx 15 more years after high school. Yet they think doctors should work for free or practically nothing.

I have watched doctors salaries drop for the last 25 years. My husband gave up general surgery because the all night hours were starting to effect his health, and the malpractice insurance was well over $100,000 /year and he had not been sued. It was just not rewarding to practice surgery anymore. Now he is still in medicine, but more administrative than patient based.

If you want to become a surgeon and absolutely do not care if you are financially rewarded based on the number of years you trained and the amount of money it costs to get a medical education, and the fact that your malpractice insurance will be in the $100,000's or more, then ignore what i have said. A medical education is very expensive. Will the government pay for med school without expecting to be paid back?

If you work FOR St. Jude's, it's possible they will pay your malpractice insurance. If you are in private practice , you will have to pay your own malpractice. Look into all of this before you make the final decision.

How can I help with a patient with cancer/disorder at St. Jude’s hospital?

How can I help with a patient with cancer/disorder at St. Jude's hospital?

You can't just go visit childen at a hospital. Do you live near St. Jude? You can contact the hospital and inquire about becoming a volunteer. Here is a link to the volunteer section of the website:

At your age, you would be limited to the summer teen volunteer program. Regular volunteers must be 24 at St. Jude. Here is a link to the summer teen volunteer program- it says to check back in January to apply:

Does anyone know if there are jobs available at St Jude’s Children’s Hospital for Art Therapists?

Does anyone know if there are jobs available at St Jude's Children's Hospital for Art Therapists?

I actually read an article a couple months ago about Memphis and art therapy programs! I don't know about St. Jude's specifically, but check out their website for job openings.

Art therapy is a great job. Go through a program that will make you eligible for your LPC licensure, and that will help you get jobs. Good luck :)

Also on this date Monday, October 28, 2024...