Oreo Cookie Day 2025 is on Thursday, March 6, 2025: Why am i so addicted to oreo cookies?

Thursday, March 6, 2025 is Oreo Cookie Day 2025. Candy Dipped Oreo Cookies for Valentine's Day Oreo Cookies Stacked

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Why am i so addicted to oreo cookies?

Because Oreos are yummy!

You could try this:

Take out 4 cookies and put the package away. Set the 4 cookies on the table. Drink a glass of water and look at the cookies but don't eat them. Then drink a glass of milk before eating the cookies. Savor each cookie slowly, bite for bite.

When the cookies are gone, drink another glass of milk, and then another glass of water.

Then get out of kitchen and go do something.

my stomach hurt after eating oreo cookies?

my stomach hurt after eating oreo cookies?

Well one: oreo cookies are packed with preservatives and artificial sugars which are very bad for you body so it doesn't surprise me that every once in a while it upsets your stomach, for they aren't good for your stomach.

Two: Defiantly a good idea to take a break from the birth control! I would do that like every six months just because constantly having those synthetic hormones in your body especially at a young age is not good for you!

Three: I have IBS and a very sensitive stomach in general (which is why I have completely changed my diet) so I remember before I did that, I could eat oreos one day, then eat them the next and get awful stomach cramps and such! You could just have a sensitive stomach, in which case I would also advise to not eat food like oreos.

Four: You would KNOW if it was food poisoning, you would be throwing up and having diarrhea, probably at the same time to. And it would last for a couple hours. This is probably just an upset stomach.

Five: it could be a side effect from going off the pill, did you wait till you had finished a whole packet before you stopped taking them? And since your off the pill you kind feel the real "wrath" of your period I guess is the best way to put it ha ha. When I wasn't on birth control my stomach would always get upset the week of my period just because of the change in hormones in such (which is why going off it may be able to cause it to because your hormone levels are changing)

So its probably nothing huge to worry about just an upset stomach but I would consider changing your diet if this continues.

Hope this helps :)

Do You Like Oreo Cookies?

Do You Like Oreo Cookies?

of course!! :D

~have a nice day~


Also on this date Thursday, March 6, 2025...