National Voter Registration Day 2024 is on Monday, September 23, 2024: How to vote on election day?

Monday, September 23, 2024 is National Voter Registration Day 2024. National Voter Registration Day Sept. 25; confirm your status ... National Voter Registration

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How to vote on election day?

Votes are done through Paper Ballots, Punch Cards, and Computers depending on where you live.

Normally it has the names and parties.

Ballot boxes are sealed and sent to be counting facility

Ballots arrive at the counting facility

At the central counting facility, certified observers from the political parties or candidates watch the actual vote counting to make sure the count is fair.

How paper ballots are handled

In areas where paper ballots are still used, election officials manually read each ballot and add up the number of votes in each race. Sometimes two or more election officials will read each ballot to ensure accuracy. Since these ballots are filled out manually, it can sometimes be unclear how the voter intended to vote. In these cases, the election judge either decides how the voter intended to vote, or declares that the voter's vote for that race will not be counted. The most common problem with manual vote counting is, of course, human error.

How punch card ballots are handled

Where punch card ballots are used, election officials open each ballot box, manually count the number of ballots cast and run the ballots through a mechanical punch card reader. Software in the card reader records the votes in each race and prints out totals. If the total number ballot cards read by the card reader does not match the manual count, the election judge can order the ballots recounted. Most problems occur when the ballot cards stick together while being run through the card reader, the reader malfunctions or the ballot has been damaged by the voter. In extreme cases, the election judge can order the ballots to be read manually. It was punch card ballots and their infamous "hanging chads" that lead to the controversial vote count in Florida during the 2000 presidential election.

How computerized ballots are handled

With the newer, fully computerized voting systems, including optical scan and direct recording electronic systems, the vote totals may be transmitted automatically to the central counting facility. In some cases, these devices record their votes on removable media, such as hard disks or cassettes, which are transported to the central counting facility for counting.

Lost or damaged ballots and other mistakes

You should know that in almost all elections, some votes will be lost or incorrectly counted due to voter errors, voting equipment malfunctions, or errors on the part of election officials. From local elections to presidential elections, officials are constantly working to improve the voting process, with the goal of making sure that every vote is counted and counted correctly.

About vote recounts

Whenever the results of an election are very close, or problems have occurred with the voting equipment, a recount of the votes will often be demanded by one or more of the candidates. Some state laws call for mandatory recounts in any close election. The recounts may be done by a manual hand-count of ballots or by the same type of machines used to make the original count. Yes, recounts do sometimes change the outcome of an election.

Of course, there remains one absolutely certain way to make sure your vote -- your voice -- will NOT be counted. Don't vote.

How to Register

In almost all states, you can register by mail to vote using the National Mail Voter Registration Form. North Dakota, Wyoming, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands do not accept the National Mail Voter Registration Form. New Hampshire accepts it only as a request for an absentee voter mail-in registration form. If you live in one of these states, please check with your state election office to find out how to register to vote.

You may also use the National Mail Voter Registration Form to update your registration if you changed your name, to change your address, or to register with a political party.

You may be able to apply to register to vote in person at the following public facilities:

State or local voter registration and/or election offices

The department of motor vehicles

Public assistance agencies

Armed services recruitment centers

State-funded programs that serve people with disabilities

Any public facility that a state has designated as a voter registration agency

In some states, you can also register online to vote. To learn if your state offers online voter registration, please contact your state election office.

I would be more interested in the Open Government Act which is run by the white house where you can petition the Government is was released after Obama got into office, but hasn't received any media attention. This will more then likely be the beginning of a new form of Government.

Is La Raza encouraging voter fraud by having links to ALCORN for the race everything including

Is La Raza encouraging voter fraud by having links to ALCORN for the race everything including voter fraud ?

ACORN is under investigation by the FBI for voter fraud. Fraudulent registration forms have already been published, e.g. 18 forms signed by "Monica Rey/Monica Ray" in Chicago. La Raza has been involved in voter registration fraud and voter fraud in every election for at least the past 15 years or more. MSNBC is notoriously far-left biased and the least-respected news organization in the US and in most of the world.

The Abomanation will destroy this country. He's got to go.

Voter registration question?

Voter registration question?

The 26th amendment established that citizens who are eighteen years of age or older shall not be denied the right to vote on account of age.

That being said, the registration process (and the rules for determining who can register) are controlled by the states, and the standards vary widely.

For instance, in Georgia a person who is not yet 18 may register to vote if they will be 18 by election day.

And in Washington state a person may register once they have reached the age of 17, but may still not vote until they are 18.

In short, it depends on the rules of the state where you are registering.


With respect to your friend’s brother being turned away, and depending on the rules of that jurisdiction, it *may* simply be that he will be able to register prior to the election but that it is simply too early. If there are other scheduled elections in that jurisdiction that will occur before the National elections, I can believe that they won’t allow registration until after those elections have occurred.

I would suggest calling the county registrar and asking. Surely this situation comes up in every jurisdiction from time to time.

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