National Quilting Day 2025 is on Saturday, March 15, 2025: Where would one find a listing of all the celebrations that are being observed daily?

Saturday, March 15, 2025 is National Quilting Day 2025.

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Where would one find a listing of all the celebrations that are being observed daily?

The link below represents the most thorough Dates, Info & Trivia information I could come up with quickly.

For example: T O D A Y

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I S :

Blame Someone Else Day

International Cross Cultural Day

Peanut Day

Positive Thinking Day

Defy Superstition Day


Do you think I’ll get into National Honors Society?

Do you think I'll get into National Honors Society?

Relax. Unless your school's honor society has a reputation for being ridiculously elite, you are FINE. Ok? Ok. You don't have to have a 4.0 to get into honors society (I think its 3.75). I have never logged a volunteer hour in my life. When they had me write an essay about a leadership thing, I told them about how I had been a camp counselor at 4-H camp (which, by the way, is not really different than being a camper). It doesn't have to be a formal position. Have you ever organized anything? Inspired anything? Then you are a leader of sorts. Besides--you are right! That is the idea of being in it--it helps with the leadership opportunities and volunteer. Or at least it's supposed to. All I've done so far is serve water at Parent-Teacher conferences, make cookies for the janitors (from premade cookie dough), tie quilts, and sleep at a 5th-grader activity because no one needed my help.

Oh, I just looked back and saw "mentored freshmen in a peer mentoring group." PERFECT. I think you are set.

Sunday humour again last one but is it funny ?

Sunday humour again last one but is it funny ?

I'll explain:

O Canada is the national anthem, and when they hear the national anthem they HAVE to stand up xD

hahaha and i don't have to be a canadian to understand that

Also on this date Saturday, March 15, 2025...