National Prime Beef Month on September, 2024: Question about the Food from New Zealand?

September, 2024 is National Prime Beef Month 2024.

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Question about the Food from New Zealand?

I am a New Zealander living in New Zealand....

Im not sure what exactly you want to know so I will answer off the top of my head

Food grown locally is available daily..( Fruit n Vegetables)...

Sometimes its imported for example oranges from California etc ( during our cooler months)..cuz our seasons are opposite etc...

Being a dairy and beef farming country most meat is local and Prime...although with trade etc some is also imported...

The food here is controlled by M.A.F and is not allowed to be modified....which means no hormones to be injected to make fatter chickens.....or levels of supplements must not exceed the "real " content...( juices ,jams,soda,)

Alot of various produce comes from around the world to add variety to our supermarket shelves too!

Lastly we eat all kinds of food......preferably fresh.....and dining out has International as well as National favourites.....

Going to a family Hangi New Years...( food cooked in a big hole under the ground...CHOICE BRO!....)

Why would a soldier or veteran vote for a draft-dodging, chicken hawk like Romney?

Why would a soldier or veteran vote for a draft-dodging, chicken hawk like Romney?

Your post is excellent with so many valid points. As the wife of a Vietnam Era veteran it amazes me how people forget exactly what was going on then and that my generation as well as others, know that it was very difficult to get a draft deferment during this time. There was a college deferment but once a young man graduated or left college, he was prime for the draft. Those that got deferments had political and money influence. To serve in the National Guard then it took HUGE political influence. They did not serve in the war, they stayed home. To name a few, George W Bush and ex Vice President Dan Quayle both benefit from this influence and served in the guard rather than the armed forces. Dick Cheney was too busy. To answer your post, I believe that Republicans have selective memory and that those who believe Romney are only denying the truth. I do not know why except Republicans nominees wave the flag and say they are Patriots and their followers believe them. I think the Republican ilk who denigrated John Kerry's service are a prime example of selective memory. It is very sad that their hatred for Democrats blind them to the truth.

Also on this date Sunday, September 1, 2024...