National One-Hit Wonder Day 2024 is on Wednesday, September 25, 2024: Hit Wonder Day - A pitcher has pitched a perfect game, but other than that, he is mediocre

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 is National One-Hit Wonder Day 2024.

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A pitcher has pitched a perfect game, but other than that, he is mediocre

No. That'd be like letting Ke$ha sing every countries national anthem at the next Olympics because a bunch of idiots liked her autotuned one-hit wonder.

Who’s word would you take, a former Carter adviser or Henry Kissinger?

Who's word would you take, a former Carter adviser or Henry Kissinger?

The reason Kissinger has stayed relevant all these years is he knows international relations like no one else. Brzezinski was a one-hit wonder, and no wonder he surfaces when Iran is being discussed, it's the one thing he is an expert on. He was part of the reason why Iran is such a problem these days. I trust Kissinger.

Read Kissinger's book "Diplomacy" if you want to learn a lot about international affairs.

Pitchers and Home Run Hitters...?

Pitchers and Home Run Hitters...?

There will not be one ever. In today's time players need to be skilled at either fielding or pitching. Some pitchers can hit the snot out of the ball like C.C., but it would be impossible to tell how they would do if they had to hit everyday.

Pitchers only get the opportunity to hit every 5th day and that is only in the National League. In their days they are not pitching they are resting and preparing for the next game.

It is rare enough to see a 20 game winning pitcher now, let alone see one hit home runs. Those days where rare to begin with and they are pretty much over with.

A player that did that would be extremely valuable to a team, a guy who can pitch and hit. The guy closest to this would be Rick Ankiel, who had a lot of promise to pitch but then switched to outfield when he was going no where as a pitcher.

Also on this date Wednesday, September 25, 2024...