National Kids and Pets Day 2025 is on Saturday, April 26, 2025: Did you loose a pet thanks to the "food recall" for pets?

Saturday, April 26, 2025 is National Kids and Pets Day 2025. National Kids & Pets Day {April 26th} Animal Miracle Foundation ... National Kids & Pets Day

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Did you loose a pet thanks to the "food recall" for pets?

I'm sorry for your loss. I have 3 cats, and they're like my kids. I love them dearly, and to lose one of them would be like losing a member of my family. One of my friends had a cat that got VERY sick from eating this food. The thing is, there should be stricter laws and federal regulations over the production of pet foods. I found the following link interesting: .

I really hope that the people that lost pets and the companies that depended on this manufacturer to make their private label and national brand products join together and file a class action law suit against Menu Foods.

Also, if anyone wants to check to see if they have this pet food at home, there is a complete list on the manufacturer's website at

Pet owners plz help! (read below)?

Pet owners plz help! (read below)?

Many Chihuahuas are tied with Yorkies, Min pins and Jack Russells for the yappiest little dogs on the planet. Hitting is not an effective way of training a dog - it just shows that YOU are frustrated and don't know what else to do.

If you're willing to do some work and are determined to train her, start by keeping her on a leash tied to your belt all the time. Teach her to sit and stay - at first when it's quiet, then add distractions. Make her sit before she gets fed or petted. Take control.

If the doorbell rings or if someone knocks, she should be allowed to bark for about fifteen seconds or as long as it takes you to get to the door. Any other barking should be forbidden. Pick a new command - a word that she's not already immune to - like STOP! or ENOUGH! Every single bark after that command must be corrected. Don't hold her in your arms - that makes her feel like you've got her back and you approve. Put her little butt on the ground like a real dog. Make her sit and stay at the door - spinning around like a nut is not okay either. Chihuahuas are fragile, so rather than a leash tug, try a spray bottle of water in her face or a squirt of lemon juice in her mouth or a can with some pennies inside - find something she just hates. Use a correction word like "ATT!" and repeat your quiet command "STOP!" Ask you friends to bring their bikes and skateboards and help you. Or pay the local kids a few bucks. They'll probably be delighted to help - they probably hate it as much as you do.

Have them go back and forth for at least fifteen minutes straight, every day for a month or two. Before she even starts to bark - when she gets that eveil look in her eye, ask them to stop and hold still while you correct her. Then have them go again at first slowly, then faster. Even the most determined yapper will eventually give up if you do it right.

I'd suggest reading some really good books on training. Try not to do it randomly - there are a lot of bad books out there also! These are some of my favorites:

Don't Shoot the Dog - Pryor

Training Your Dog: The Step by Step Method - Volhard

What All Good Dogs Should Know - Volhard

Good Owners, Great Dogs - Brian Kilcommins

Dog Problems - Benjamin

Cesar's Way - Cesar Millan

Also, watch the Dog Whisperer on the National Geographic Channel. Cesar Millan is the best trainer I've ever seen on tv.

Do you feel kids are under more pressure these days?

Do you feel kids are under more pressure these days?

Well you didn't mention Canadian so I'm assuming your generalizing Canada and America =)

I find that too cause I see it every day as a 15 year old. I know people that babysit the same kids every few days for months, even years if they keep it up, at a time and they're usually little wanna-be gangsters. There's more disrespect among teens now because they were raised in a messy way and haven't learned values or just have so much stress they take it out on others.

With schools, I know what you mean. I've went through an entire history class talking about Iraq nowadays... and then national politics and Afgan stuff, things we technically 'shouldn't' learn (I know all the teacher laws about that kind of thing). In grade 8 last year, we took notes my teacher made and we did creative stuff - drawings and such. He'd go through many books to give us 2 pages of notes, and then an assignment on 'make a wanted poster about one of the seven sins' (or whatever it was called). It was a great way to learn but we didn't get a lot of info overall since he didn't like text books, so we didn't use them.

It seems either kids are getting too spoiled and have no discipline or the parents are so hard on them the kids don't want to go back to them in any way. It's almost like there's no medium anymore... too many young parents that can't support their kids *pokes some of my cousins*

I know I am kind of spoiled with some things, but I know how to act in social situations cause my mom was there for me a lot when I was younger - she quit her job for 3 and a half years to look after my older brother and me (but it was nursing so it was harder for her to get back into). She helped me get over my... issues with talking (some receptive problem, couldn't make full sentences and remember 3 things without writing them down), and I had actual conversations with her when I was 7. She got me reading at a young age, so I did better with writing and overall grammer and reading (because of it, she couldn't spell out what Christmas gifts I would get to other family. I remember that...).

It depends on the couple, I find. My dad... god, I am not too fond of him. He's easy to get mad cause he's a retired military man of 30 years. He's helpful with history (his major) and some other homework help when I needed it, but when he's P.Oed he'll start personally attacking EVERYONE by yelling! He gave up on my older brother so the focus is mainly me now, and it doesn't help when he does.

But my mom was better cause she lived with super strict parents so she tended to be lenient.

They also waited 7 years before having my brother (I'm 3 years younger than him), and my mom had pets. They knew when to start a family, and let alone how to raise one.

Most just jump into it, and I hate that!

And what I absolutely hate is when high school loves marry later on. My second-cousins (twins. First twins in the family in the history of like, ever) have the misfortune of going through low-income, high school lover parents.

So I do find kids are under a lot of pressure, and the root of it all, I think, is family matters.

Also on this date Saturday, April 26, 2025...