National Grouch Day 2024 is on Tuesday, October 15, 2024: do you know what day it is today

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 is National Grouch Day 2024. 10/15 Grouch Day - Celebrate the Date Ecard ecard: 10/15 Grouch Day

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do you know what day it is today ??????????

My mama said it was the first day in the rest of your life and to go out and do something even if it was wrong.

Fluent French speakers, how do you say the following?

Fluent French speakers, how do you say the following?

You are wonderful!!!! How creative!

No, you cannot just add jour at the end, it does not work that way. In French, we usually use the word fête to indicate a holiday.

Plush Animal Lover's Day = Fête des amis des animaux en peluche

National Denim Day = Fête nationale du denim

National Bologna Day = Fête nationale du saucisson

National Nut Day = Fête nationale des noix

National Grouch Day = Fête nationale des rouspéteurs

Farmer's Day = Fête des fermiers

Moldy Cheese Day = Fête du fromage moisi

Name Your Car Day = Baptême des voitures

Homemade Cookies Day = Fête des biscuits maison

What was THE worst birthday gift you ever received?

What was THE worst birthday gift you ever received?

My sister sent me an email reading "Happy National Grouch Day"

Also on this date Tuesday, October 15, 2024...