NAACP Day 2025 is on Wednesday, February 12, 2025: NAACP, NAAWP double standards?
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 is NAACP Day 2025.
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Historically minority groups have had a history of abuse and oppression at the hands of white people. Even thought things are different know no one can argue that minority groups continue to deal with the effects of centuries of neglect and abuse. Organizations like the NAACP are there to help bring up their people so they can fairly compete in the world. White people quite often feel that they are at a disadvantage these days because of their color, however statistics continue to prove that white people in general have more access to education, earn higher incomes and have better access to health care and jobs than their counter parts. Since this country and most of the world continue to be run by white privilege, associations like the NAAWP do not fall into the same category as those trying to advance people of color, women and other minority groups.
In addition, the NAAWP was created in an effort to continue segregation. quite not the same as the intention behind the NAACP
How has the NAACP effected your day today?
Just another racist organization to look out for.
Why is the NAACP complaining that some schools are using MLK Day to make up snow days?
I completely agree. I'm still a student, so I love having days off. But there's no need to cancel for MLK day. It's a fabulous opportunity to center lessons on humanity, government, rights, and history.
I'm still on Winter Break since I'm in college, but really. What am I doing today? Drinking a Dr. Pepper and surfing YouTube. I'm studying to be a teacher, and I could have used this day for some incredible lessons.