Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day 2025 is on Saturday, January 11, 2025: Planning help?

Saturday, January 11, 2025 is Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day 2025. Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day Today Morse Code is a dying

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Learn Your Name In Morse Code Day

Beepedy-beep-beep… Learn Your Title In Morse Code Day prepares you its individuals existence occasions where it’s utterly necessary that you have the ability to recite your title in Morse code.

Planning help?

Origami? Paper airplanes? All you need is some paper, maybe some scissors, and some decent instructions (which you can find online with a quick google search).

Learning to write their names/common words in another language/alphabet -- maybe braille or morse code? Again, easy enough to learn if you can find the info online. People can even use their own pencils and paper. Or you could learn a few useful phrases in sign language to teach to people, which doesn't require any materials at all.

learn to be annoying ?

learn to be annoying < some did"nt read it before >?


Funny Or Not I Found This and thought it was really funny these are good tips too...?

Funny Or Not I Found This and thought it was really funny these are good tips too...?

you made my day

Also on this date Saturday, January 11, 2025...