Inauguration Day 2025 is on Monday, January 20, 2025: I have a question about Inauguration Day?

Monday, January 20, 2025 is Inauguration Day 2025.

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I have a question about Inauguration Day?

Inauguration day is the ceremonial change of power in the United States government or of the beginning of a sitting President's new term. It is a regularly scheduled, peaceful transfer and is quite unique as compared to most other forms of government. Other countries have very ornate and pompous celebrations when leadership changes, but they are not always the result of popular vote, are not always done on a predetermined schedule, and are not always reached peacefully. It is a very significant day in our nation and in the world as it also represents inaugurating the elected leader of what is considered the "free world".

And never feel stupid about asking a question! : )

Is Inauguration Day Bush’s last day?

Is Inauguration Day Bush's last day?

Inauguration day is the day the country switches presidents. That is Bush's last day, and the new president's first day.

Usually, the president is moving his stuff out prior to that date. Good manners would dictate that he vacate the white house before that date.

government office closings on inauguration day?

government office closings on inauguration day?

Inauguration Day is a federal holiday in the Washington DC metropolitan area only. Outside of the DC area, inauguration day is business as usual.

Also on this date Monday, January 20, 2025...