Heimlich Maneuver Day 2024 is on Saturday, June 1, 2024: How many people know how to properly perform the Heimlich maneuver?

Saturday, June 1, 2024 is Heimlich Maneuver Day 2024. 20 Offbeat Holidays You Can Celebrate in June 1st: HEIMLICH MANEUVER DAY

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How many people know how to properly perform the Heimlich maneuver?

Not as many as we would like. I have always said that first aid should be mandatory at school. I leared

when I was in the police, you never know, it may come in handy one day.

Seniors, have you ever had to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on anyone?

Seniors, have you ever had to perform the Heimlich Maneuver on anyone?

Once on my three year old daughter who had gotten a large glob of melted mozzarella cheese from some lasagna stuck in her throat. She's now 25 and to this day calls it "choke cheese". Another time I had to perform it in the cafeteria of the hospital I was working at...a man at another table was choking on a piece of breaded chicken cutlet. The irony of that is...I'm just a medical transcriptionist, and the man was sitting at a table with several nurses...who all just sat there.

Have you ever had a near death experience?

Have you ever had a near death experience?

At least twice

1. I nearly fell off a balcony and my dad grabbed me by the shirt as I was going backward.

2. Grape went down the wrong pipe/ completely blocked it off, heimlich maneuver saved the day.

Also on this date Saturday, June 1, 2024...