Garfield the Cat Day 2024 is on Wednesday, June 19, 2024: Do you like Garfield the cat?

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 is Garfield the Cat Day 2024. PHAMILYBLOG: RANDOM THOUGHTS AND THINGS ABOUT ANIMALS, GOD'S ... Are you a fan of Garfield

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Do you like Garfield the cat?

Hi from France

Hm.. No, Garfield is not really known here, sorry ...

Have a great day,

Cat. ( no no, I'm not a true cat !...

This cat is driving me nutts.?

This cat is driving me nutts.?

Sounds like your kitty is a pig!! No offense intended... I have a big fat orange garfield cat too. He drives me crazy when he wants food. He'll follow me around meowing, try to trip me, get up in my face when I'm on the computer, claw at my pants, etc.

It sounds like your cat is finicky. They get that way when you give them lots of different options and/or change their food alot. If you want to save money, you could try to find a cheaper brand that has a similar flavor of cat food your cat likes. If you want him to stop being finicky and settle for something cheaper or different than what he begs for, then don't give in to his bothering you to get food. He knows that if he's annoying enough, you will feed him. As hard as it may be, ignoring him is the best way to get him to stop being finicky or being rowdy when he wants food.

To strengthen this even more, fill the food dish when he is not paying attention, such as when he is sleeping. This helps them to learn that begging does not necessarily yield results, that food comes whey YOU say it does.

My cats for some reason dont like chunky looking cat food - the kind that looks like pieces of meat cut into cubes. They prefer the mushy, pasty, soupy kind full of stinky gravy. But if I leave the kind they dont like out long enough, and ignore their pestering me for something else, eventually they WILL eat it because they get hungry enough that they stop being so finicky ~ well, temporarily at least.

As far as how much to feed him, this will depend on how much he weighs, and his activity level. It should say (in very small print) somewhere on the can how much to feed your cat. Canned food I have says several things. One says "feed 3/4 to 1 ounce per pound of body weight" (sorry if you are somewhere that uses metric system... I am in US). Another can says "feed one can (6 oz) daily per 8 pounds body weight, adjust to maintain ideal body condition".

I dont have any fancy feast but I think it is smaller? Around 3 ounces maybe? 3 times 4 is 12 ounces... if your cat weighs anywhere from 12 to 16 pounds (large) then what you are feeding him is the right amount. If he weighs less than 12 pounds, then you are probably feeding him too much. You should also monitor his body condition and make sure he's not getting too fat or too skinny (you can do this by feeling the cat's ribs), and adjust the amount of food according to that, if necessary.

Below I've pasted a link with a good chart with pictures and descriptions on how to figure out what body type your cat has, which should help you figure out how much is the ideal amount to feed him.

Good luck, I hope this helps =^.^=

Does your cat relate to this one in any way?

Does your cat relate to this one in any way?

now THAT is an American cat my friend. USA!

and my cat Peaches looks like that pretty much every day and night.

Also on this date Wednesday, June 19, 2024...