Day of The Seafarer 2024 is on Tuesday, June 25, 2024: Compare the plight of the Seafarer with a modern day example?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 is Day of The Seafarer 2024. seafarer seafarer

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Compare the plight of the Seafarer with a modern day example?

Land Ho! No More

From the top of swell to ocean floor,

the same as always, known before.

The joyful sound of, "LAND HO",

Expectations of sweet furlough.

Gone are romantic days of yore,

when sailor's dreamt to go ashore.

Hate and suspicion, locked the gate,

All modern Seafarers share this fate.

what are health risk to seafarers regarding respiratory system.?

what are health risk to seafarers regarding respiratory system.?

Seafarers who work on oil tankers tend to develop respiratory problems due to the high levels of noxious gases. Those who spend their days chipping paint and grinding on deck or in the engine room can develop respiratory problems if they do not use a proper dust mask.

On older ships a seafarer might be exposed to asbestos, which if not properly maintained can cause all sorts of respiratory problems.

But overall, worldwide, most seafarers face a greater danger from smoking than from respiratory problems inherent to their ships. If you smoke, you should quit as soon as possible.

How is the the poem The Seafarer significant to anglo saxon history?

How is the the poem The Seafarer significant to anglo saxon history?

No much Old English Literature survived to this day. Only 4 books of Old English poetry exist today, so any Old English poem is significant. The Seafarer is a surprisingly complex poem which deals with many universal issues: aging, alienation, one's relationship with god, etc...

Here's one of the more interesting stanzas:

Indeed, now they are troubled,

the thoughts of my heart,

that I myself should strive with

the high streams,

the tossing of salt waves --

the wish of my heart urges

all the time

my spirit to go forth,

that I, far from here,

should seek the homeland

of a foreign people --

Also on this date Tuesday, June 25, 2024...