Columbus Day 2024 is on Saturday, October 12, 2024: Why do we celebrate columbus day?

Saturday, October 12, 2024 is Columbus Day 2024. Francis Albert "Frank" Sinatra (; December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer and film actor.

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Happy Columbus Day

Francis Albert "Frank" Sinatra (; December 12, 1915 – May 14, 1998) was an American singer and film actor.

Why do we celebrate columbus day?

Columbus Day is meant to remind the native peoples of two vast continents that their rights were and still are non-existent. Columbus and his followers murdered them in their thousands, committing genocide in many cases. Murder, rape, torture, of the people and of the land. Grand theft continent. They did it in the name of God and King. The Kings were pleased. What about the God? Whose side was he on? Does the God of all the Creation take 'sides'?

To celebrate Columbus Day is to celebrate atrocities. Shame on all who participate.

Columbus Day?

Columbus Day?

You can celebrate Columbus Day without making Columbus a hero. I know for generations we saw the European conquest of the New World as only a good thing. In fact, centuries later when the young United States was beginning to move west, when thousands of Indians died from European diseases, there were American politicians who proudly announced that this was God's plan to get the Indians off the land so we could expand westward.

Today we have a more rounded view. Columbus didn't know where he was going, and when he got here he didn't know where he was! He came here three different times and died (in obscurity and poverty) thinking he'd been to Asia on every trip. He opened one of the worst ages of colonialism/imperialism in history, with all the major European powers not just killing Indians over the land but killing each other! You don't have to be a Native American to realize that.

Still the voyages of the 'age of discovery' are very significant to history, both ours and that of Europe. A turning point in history. A time we had to get through to get to today. And that's what we celebrate on Columbus Day (if we give it a thought at all, which most people don't).

Does Ups ship on Columbus day?

Does Ups ship on Columbus day?

yes, they deliver on Columbus Day. On there website they say the following holidays are recognized, but not observed:

Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK) - January 17, 2011

Chinese's New Year - February 3, 2011

Valentine's Day - February 14, 2011

President's Day - February 21, 2011

Daylight Savings Time begins - March 13, 2011

St. Patrick's Day - March 17, 2011

Passover - April 19, 2011

Earth Day - April 22, 2011

Easter - April 24, 2011

Cinco de Mayo - May 5, 2011

Mother's Day - May 8, 2011

Flag Day - June 14, 2011

Father's Day - June 19, 2011

Ramadan begins - August 1, 2011

UPS Founders' Day - August 28, 2011

Rosh Hashanah - September 29, 2011

Yom Kippur - October 8, 2011

Columbus Day - October 10, 2011

Halloween - October 31, 2011

Daylight Savings Time ends - November 6, 2011

Veteran's Day - November 11, 2011

Hanukkah - December 21, 2011

Christmas Eve - December 24, 2011

Kwanzaa - December 26, 2011

These are non-delivery days:

UPS 2011 Holiday Schedule

In the United States, UPS observes the following holidays:

Memorial Day - May 30, 2011*

Independence Day - July 4, 2011*

Labor Day - September 5, 2011*

Thanksgiving Day - November 24, 2011*

Day after Thanksgiving - November 25, 2011**

Christmas (observed) - December 26, 2011*

New Year's Day (observed) - January 2, 2012*

Also on this date Saturday, October 12, 2024...