Canadian Maple Syrup Day 2025 is on Thursday, February 6, 2025: How often does average Canadian eat pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast?

Thursday, February 6, 2025 is Canadian Maple Syrup Day 2025. Canadian Maple Syrup - Maple Syrup History Maple Syrup.

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How often does average Canadian eat pancakes and maple syrup for breakfast?

As a former chef, it is one of the few things I do not make at home, I prefer to go to our version of the US IHOP, it called Golden Griddle, but I will if out for breakfast order them if I know the place, and also real maple syrup is not common in most homes, the pancake one in the grocery stores is more common, real is available, but at $4-10 a lot for a 250ml to 1kg container, I buy a blended one, with 35% real in it, I use it for other things like baked beans and BBQ sauce.

As a child we often had them for dinner over breakfast, my mother was nt active until she had her first 2 cups of coffee and half a pack of smokes, so we were on our own at that time of the day. I would imagine as frozen from Aunt Jemima are available more are eaten now.

Happy Canada Day?

Happy Canada Day?

I Plan On Going Down To The Canada Day Festival And Eating Back Bacon Smuthered In Maple Syrup. Next I Plan On Watching The Royal Canadian Mounty Police Ride Around On Their Horses. Than I Will Go Down To The Lake And Watch The Red And Silver Fireworks. :]

Canadian Identity Crisis?

Canadian Identity Crisis?


Canada is so Americanized..

Until we go all Northern Korea on the US of A, we're going to continue to be Americanized.

We watch American movies, watch American TV, read up on American news, and even keep up with American politics.. even moreso than our own Canadian politics.

I have always said Canada is a mini-America.

Ok, there are obvious differences, but the differences don't really make us stand out enough to have a Canadian identity.

Oh wow, we can drink when we're 18, we have gun control laws, our health care is fairer.. CANADIAN!!

Whatever right?

The average citizen in Canada... we're all the same as citizens in America who are living their day to day lives.

Both nations are a mixture.

A Jewish person in Canada celebrates the same holidays as a Jewish person in the USA, etc etc etc haha.

But as far as unique Canadian traditions and traits.

The whole hockey thing.. come on, even AMERICA has hockey teams, there's nothing unique about hockey and Canada.

Our bond with Britain does not run our lives, we're only reminded by the faces on our coins even if we bother to pay attention (which I personally don't).. and yeah.

Canada is still so new (est. 1867), and it's been influenced by our neighbors to the south and come to think of it..

America has no identity either..

It's a mixture of identities as much as Canada is because of the variety and multiculturalism.

I guess I only argue Canada is mini-America because America came first..?


Also on this date Thursday, February 6, 2025...