Building Safety Month on May, 2024: please suggest some good projects and assingnments for safety habits for grade 3 primary students.?

May, 2024 is Building Safety Month 2024. Counting Down: May Is Building Safety Month The success of Building Safety

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please suggest some good projects and assingnments for safety habits for grade 3 primary students.?

Hmm..if you want that to be the main theme of the school year, make each month a different safety topic. (or if that is not your intention 1 each day for a week...or however) Let's say October is natural disaster month. Explain what to do in situations such as tornados, earthquakes, etc. Have the students role play by turning off the lights in the class and see if they have water and food stored, flashlights, a radio, etc. Maybe January is outdoor safety. Take them outside to show how to cross the street looking both ways. Have a month on fire safety and again, have a role play timing them to see how long it takes to get out of the building. Also, a toxic safety. Bring in items or pictures of things they may have around their house (such as medicine, bleach, etc) and explain safety rules. hmm..maybe I should be a 3rd grade teacher!!! Good luck.

How do i build a motorized push bike?

How do i build a motorized push bike?

Don't Build your own. It is Dangerous.

I know of someone who had the motor exploded and had serious burn injuries and hospitalise for months.

It is better if you buy one that is built for you and have fire safety approval.

I’m working out to build muscle but i donate blood 1 - 2 time’s a month is that bad ?

I'm working out to build muscle but i donate blood 1 - 2 time's a month is that bad ?

Hold on, you donate blood 1-2 times a MONTH?

That's illegal- you cannot donate more than once every 8 weeks. This is to protect your health and ensure that you can continue to donate.

If the place you are going to is allowing you to donate this often, they are breaking the law and putting your health at risk. Donating blood is a wonderful thing, but you are endagering yourself by donating every couple of weeks. Even if your body is perfectly healthy and repairing itself well enough to allow you to do this, you shouldn't.

I'm glad you donate blood, and I wish you luck, but you should only be donating once every two months, for your own safety.

Also on this date Wednesday, May 1, 2024...