Bed-in For Peace Day 2025 is on Thursday, March 20, 2025: in For Peace Day - How did John lennons bed-in relate to Peace?

Thursday, March 20, 2025 is Bed-in For Peace Day 2025.

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How did John lennons bed-in relate to Peace?

make love not war, the

slogan of the 1970's or the early 70's

John lennon and his bed-in for peace?

John lennon and his bed-in for peace?

This might help

how to get my toddler into his bed in his own room? help?!!?

how to get my toddler into his bed in his own room? help?!!?

I use the 3 day rule: anything you do consistently ( and I mean CONSITENTLY) for 3 days~ the kids learn. I know you feel like "crap" but this is not about your feelings, its about your son's needs. He needs to feel the peace of sleeping in his own bed. The whole idea won't be so cute when he is 5 or even 8 and believe me I have been there with my first. I have stopped that crap and I feel wonderful!

The car bed idea may make him feel it is a place to play and not sleep. I put my 22 month old in his own bed and EVERY single time he got out I just put him back. It was very hard, but the payoff is lovely. 3 days of doing this and he sometimes will just put himself to bed after a long day or car ride. It works! I have used the same technique with the pacifier. 3 days of consistency!

Also on this date Thursday, March 20, 2025...