Be Late For Something Day 2024 is on Thursday, September 5, 2024: 6 days late but negative test?
Thursday, September 5, 2024 is Be Late For Something Day 2024. Keeping it Simple (KISBYTO): Be Late for Something Day - 09/ Be Late for Something Day
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Modern living and society puts incredible demands upon us to satisfy challenging due dates, observe rules and rules, and also to regulate our way of life by tight agendas. Wouldn’t it's nice should you could just stop for a short time and find out what goes on?Be Late For Something Day encourages you to definitely move away from your schedule and deliberately be late for something – keep in mind that things can embark upon without you, and perhaps it isn't all quite as essential as you thought in the end, you'll need some ‘me time’!
Okay so last month if you were 2 days late (i am assuming you think you conceived last month if you concerned about a late period from June..) and this month your 6 days late. If you were pregnant from last month you would be almost 8-9 weeks pregnant depending on your cycle and a pregnancy test would definately show as the HCG would be around 64,600 - 116,310 mul HCG a pregnancy test no matter how expensive or inexpensive it is detects HCG levels of 25mul or more so you would have to show by now. If you got your period and it was after those two days that is normal thats not a sign of pregnancy. I can understand though why you are concerned that this month your period is again late. If you conceived this month you would be around 4 weeks and 6 days your levels would be around 1,940 - 4,980 mul HCG.... these levels are going off your last menstrual period. Most women ovulate 14 days before their expected period in any cycle. You can calculate when you ovulate by (number of days in your menstrual cycle)-14= (day you ovulate) for example just say you have a 28 day cycle --- 28-14=14 < you ovulate day 14.
Count 3 weeks from this date or 3 weeks since you had sex.. you will get an accurate result 3 weeks after sex or ovulation as around 3 weeks after your levels would be 2,580-6,530 mul HCG and definately high enough to detect..
So i would say no your not pregnant especially if you have taken two or more tests in early morning urine. If you haven't than take another test with the early morning urine.. There is nothing to be concerned about until your periods 2 weeks late this is why he will not test as you could get your period yet.
I had a one day late period in June than a period that was 10 days late in July and i thought i was pregnant i had all the symptoms,etc but i wasn't i had negative urine tests,blood tests and an ultra sound. There was no cysts or anything it was all psychological no matter how much i thought i was and didn't think it was in my head it was.. It happens a lot!
If you do not receive a period in 2 weeks go get the test done its called a beta HCG test - blood test. Do not be disheartened if its negative i think it sounds to me like you have a cyst or PCOS. The symptoms are a lot like pregnancy. a few symptoms are- irregular late periods and when you do get the period its spotting or a lot lighter/heavier than a normal period. You may not have all these symptoms but you got a negative test and two late periods this would be the next option to consider.. Good luck
Could I be Pregnant? 9 Days Late!?
At 9 days late it doesn't sound like it's due to later ovulation. Since we all ovulate at different times of the month and the luteal phase is the same (time between ovulation and period) if you ovulate later you can expect your period later.
You may have tested with a diluted sample or a test that wasn't very sensitive. Both are factors, try taking a test with your first morning urine. It really does make a difference. My first pregnancy I tested after Thanksgiving meal with a regular HPT. It was negative but I knew it was wrong! The next day we flew home and had heard about the early results First Response. I tested as soon as I woke up and there was a faint line! It was there but had to have my hubby make sure lol. Then I saw the doc a few days later and he said, "you are very pregnant." Sooo the test and when you take it makes all the difference.
On the other hand, you could just have a later period for some other reason. Sometimes my cycles played games with me while we were TTC. AS for the nausea, sometimes wanting to be pregnant convinces your body and so you have or some of the symptoms. ITs very frustrating.
I say, never trust a negative test until you have your full flow period. I would get a blood test. Have them do a Quantitative Serum test as it measures the precise amount of hCG in your blood and is most conclusive.
Best of luck and blessings :)
11 days late?!?!?
I right there with ya, i am also 11 days late with a yeast infection 2 weeks ago. BFN's so far for me too. I too have been reading that many women dont test positive until however about a week ago i got lots of ewcm, i thought maybe i had ovulated very late, but that has never hapened before i have always been reg, i bd anyway just in case. i am waiting to see if my period comes to co-inside with the late O, but i hope not, then again i have 2 chances to be pg
lets hope we are good luck