Tsunami Awareness Week on March, 2025: Antivirus scan schedules?

Tsunami Awareness Week 2025. NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ... Tsunami Awareness Week: March

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Antivirus scan schedules?

Whatever makes you 'Feel good'.

Using Windows on the Internet is a huge gamble at all times, and setting a schedule to scan for malware is pointless.

Once anything gets into your system, all bets are off about what it can or may do. In one minute after infection, or one week.

Impractical as it sounds, scanning every time you close down for the day is about the best you can plan for.

You see, malware purveyors don't follow a daily "Release the Kraken!" schedule. Fresh items are launched whenever, and it's often days, weeks or months before the good guys (anti-virus for instance) even notice it.

Malicious garbage is present on the 'Net incessantly, and if your PC is out there, you are exposed to it.

It takes a highly modified OS to shed the tsunami's of malware and an eternal commitment to security awareness and changes to keep them off life-support.

How you can help the Japanese people affected by the Earthquakes Destruction?

How you can help the Japanese people affected by the Earthquakes Destruction?

I already' donated money to Japan for this week, I'll do it again next week to help and suport them in anyway...

This is for a paper in school, help?

This is for a paper in school, help?

Google crisis response is collecting donations online

AMERICAN RED CROSS: The American Red Cross is currently supporting and advising the Japanese Red Cross, which continues to assist the government in its response. You can help people affected by disasters, like floods, fires, tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as countless other crises at home and around the world by making a donation to support American Red Cross Disaster Relief. Donate here.

GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. We are working with International Medical Corps, Save the Children, and other organizations on the ground to provide support. Our partners on the ground are working hard to provide immediate relief. Donate here.

SAVE THE CHILDREN: Save the Children, which has worked in Japan since 1986, has an immediate goal of $5 million to launch longer-term recovery for children affected by Japan's March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Save the Children has opened the first child-friendly space in Japan, protective environments where children can gather to play and share their experiences under the supervision of trained, caring adults. Donate here.

SALVATION ARMY: The Salvation Army has been in Japan since 1895 and is currently providing emergency assistance to those in need. Donate here.

AMERICARES: AmeriCares and its relief workers in Japan are working to deliver medicines and supplies to hospitals, shelters and health responders to treat and care for survivors. The AmeriCares team began mobilizing within hours of the first reports of the dual disasters, dispatching an emergency response manager to Tokyo to direct the efforts of our relief workers in Sendai, the largest city closest to the impact zone. Our team is in direct contact with local officials, evacuation shelters and hospitals treating the injured in Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate to determine health needs. Donate here.

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS: A team of doctors flew to Sendai, where they will be delivering supplies, assessing needs, and identifying communities that have not yet been reached. We continue to coordinate with local health authorities and partners on critical gaps, providing technical expertise and assisting with logistics. Donate here.

SHELTERBOX: ShelterBox responds instantly to natural and man-made disasters by delivering boxes of aid to those who are most in need. The box includes a tent for a family of 10, cooker, blankets, water purification, tool kit and other items survivors need to rebuild their lives in the days, weeks and months following a disaster.

Also on this date Saturday, March 1, 2025...